[@Hank] Mahz mentioned previously that he is would not discourage it because nothing would truly stop people from making sock puppets. They're also useful; nobody in my group would be on the Guild if that were a rule. [@Altered Tundra] There actually wasn't a limit. I would know :rollin [@NuttsnBolts] Moderating can be solved by utilizing IP-scale punishments. And if a system is included to link account, then it will be much easier to moderate, as any penalties can be inflicted on all all accounts. Connecting them can only make moderation easier. These kinds of reasons are why I don't believe any blanket statement can be made for roleplays. They're stories, and the authors decide how they want their story to be written. If they want a different ghostwriter for every character for no other reason than to add realism that a new person is behind every personality that they want to represent. It's part of what makes the Guild so appealing; it's built for the player, not the reputation of the Guildmaster. ^_^