"Bees, hornets, wasps. No matter how you look at em they all have stings and are all yellow and black." Paul answered to Wasp as the boy started to fly off. Paul wasn't exactly the smartest despite his age. He had been using his nearly 250 years of life learning about sports rather than the anatomy of different insects. Paul had finally finished knocking out as many of the thugs as he could. He was in the process of tieing each of them up at this point he turned to their guns grabed them, then broke them. There were already too many of these guns in the world. Making others work to obtain weapons again seemed like a good plan anyways. Once he finished he headed out to where Wasp was to help him in tying up the last of them and then carrying them to where the others were. As he was working though Paul's stomach let out a large growl. "Guess I worked harder than I thought, you wouldn't happen to have any food on you would ya wasp?" Paul asked the wasp actually getting his name right this time. He figured the joke had run it's course for now. Paul one of the only heroes in the city who was homeless. He had no where to sleep other than in card board boxes when he found them. Some times others would offer him a place to stay, but he would never stay for more than one night. Sure Paul needed help, but his pride wouldn't allow him to accept help from others for long, and nor would he ever take advantage of their help. There was after all such a thing as a man with a heart too pure for the world. [@Weird Tales]