[center][h3][color=#FF7F00]Paper Moon[/color][/h3] [img]http://i.imgur.com/lV5k7n7.png[/img] [/center] Well, things had definitely escalated quickly. Although he knew that the EXP rewarded for killing Outlaws was tempting, he didn’t foresee this many people joining in on the whole shebang. At this rate, they probably weren’t ever gonna confront CC, but based upon the entire hubbub in the city, the aforementioned hacker was already knee deep in troubles. But now was not the time to worry about that, for getting out of this shitstorm alive took priority. [color=#FF7F00]”Maintain fire on the cloud giant! Jet Rhino, get ready to switch with our squad to heal!”[/color] Moon held his hands at the sides of his mouth and called out to his comrades before him, all the while bullets rained in every direction. The scene had drastically changed over the course of the battle. The players under Moon’s and Slave’s command had now completely surrounded the remaining enemy forces, which were currently seeking refuge next to the dissolution. They had their backs against the wall without anywhere to go. The mage-heavy squads still continued their assault on the boss, but with the lack of Cerulean Knight’s presence, it didn’t look like they were going to down the damn thing in time. With his main focus on the men and women he was commanding over, he also kept tabs on the wild type variables in this situation. To his left, holding down the gate was who he presumed to be Eclipse Princess, accompanied by a fellow with a skull as an accessory. Speaking of the latter, Moon and Sky Knight watched as the guy turned an Outlaw into a four course meal. The two stared, mouths agape, complete awestruck by the spectacle. [color=#FF7F00]”Holy crap, that was totally wicked!”[/color] [color=blue]”Right? He was like, [i]SHINK[/i], [i]KSSH[/i], [i]RAAAAA[/i]”[/color] [color=#FF7F00]”And then he was all like [i]CRACK[/i]! [i]CRACK CRACK CRACK CRACK[/i]!”[/color] [color=blue]”I think I’ve found my role model. Dude, before I go to class tomorrow I’m going to submit a new club form!”[/color] During this casual exchange of words, the dissolution began to vibrantly glow. Yet the two were completely oblivious to this pertinent detail. [color=#FF7F00]”Oh, really? And what do you plan to christen this club?”[/color] Sky Knight rubbed his chin and mulled deeply. With a snap of his fingers, a spark went off inside of that brain of his. [color=blue]”I got it! The Whatever-That-Skull-Guy’s-Name-Is-Fan-Club-Club. Preeeeeeetty catchy, right? Rolls right off the tongue.”[/color] Moon gave an affirming applause to the brilliant player. Only a genius could craft such a spectacular title. Just then, a cannonball whizzed past their heads and exploded a few meters past them. After almost receiving more than just a haircut, the two dropped back behind the cover where Strawberry Baby was currently scrolling through her inventory. [color=#DC143C]”What happened? Seemed like you two were hitting it off pretty well. Such a shame that ordinance intruded on your little moment. I was about to start a Fanfic starring you two~.”[/color] She remarked whimsically, meanwhile Moon looked over the edge of the wall and watched as Arms Slave took care of the cannon that just fired on them. [color=#FF7F00]”Well, you know. When people come up with revolutionary ideas, there are always those who want to obstruct ingenuity…”[/color] Moon’s voice trailed off as he finally came to acknowledge the recent development. [color=#FF7F00]”Well that looks like an uh-oh.”[/color] Sky Knight had a similar reaction and nodded. [color=#FF7F00]”Mages aren’t going to make it in time, and it’s heavily defending its crit point. Hmmm…”[/color] Strawberry Baby patted down her skirt and stood up from the ground, [color=#DC143C]”Well looks like you’re in luck, champ. Just cooked something up that’ll make your little pea-shooter there actually touch the thing.”[/color] Moon’s hopes instantly skyrocketed, [color=#FF7F00]”Oh, really?! Well lay it on m-”[/color] [color=#DC143C]”But it’s gonna cost ya.”[/color] Moon clicked his tongue and pouted at the same time. He sighed and tilted his head, silently asking the mage to name her price. [color=#DC143C]”Your IRL ID. Or, at least a hint. Just depends on how good of a hint it is.”[/color] Strawberry Baby chirped as she poked at her UI, getting the spell ready. The rogue finally caved and jerked a thumb at his face with a smirk, [color=#FF7F00]”Just look for this ugly mug roaming the halls of the academy, yeah? Oh, plus an eyepatch. ”[/color] The other party of the deal suddenly broke out into laughter, unable to believe that Moon’s avatar was an exact replica of his real self. In a game where people were not bound by the constrictions of reality, Moon merely strove for normalcy. [color=#DC143C]”Kay, I admit it, you’ve managed to amaze me. Give me your carbine, I’ll buff it for you.”[/color] [color=blue]”Wait.”[/color] Sky Knight, who had not spoken a word throughout the entire covenant finally cut in. He released his sidearm from his belt and handed it to Strawberry. The mage took the single barreled sawed-off shotgun in her hands and grinned. So now things had turned into a hit or miss situation. The boy had one shot, otherwise all was for naught. The mage casted a buff spell on the weapon, then shoved it into the rogue’s grip. [color=#DC143C]”Don’t miss.”[/color] Moon solemnly nodded and began to make his way for the city gate, but abruptly stopped within a matter of seconds. He glanced back at the two while the conflict continued to rage on. [color=#FF7F00]”Say, Strawberry… That stealth spell recharged yet?”[/color] [hr] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_Y00TtnXho]SKILL ACTIVATION: UNDER THE MOON’S SHADOW[/url][/center] Eclipse, Nyx, and the girl Moon hadn't spotted earlier would have most likely picked up on the sound of quickened footsteps racing towards and past them, yet there was no visible source. In a matter of minutes he had reached the top of the wall and was now running along its rim towards the battlefield. Moon wished he had Slave’s chains so bad right now. He staved off the urge to rest and continued his cursory sprint, taking the chance to ready his weapon. [color=#FF7F00]”This better work…”[/color] The boy gulped as he took a quick look over the edge. Nobody would be willing enough to catch him. Maybe Drauni. Probably not. He leaned forward as he closed the gap between himself and the leap of fate he was doomed, or destined, to make. The storm giant was entirely focused on his comrades, even though it had ceased any attacks and was putting all of its energy towards going nuclear, he’d rather not be spotted by the boss. And just like that, metal was replaced with thin air. The kinetic energy generated from Moon’s charge was the only thing propelling him towards his target. While he soared through the air, the stealth spell wore off, displaying the rogue to the entire audience. He cocked the shotgun and with no regrets shouted out to in the midst of the chaos, [color=#FF7F00]”FOR STRAWBERRY SMOOTHIEEEEEES”[/color] He squeezed down on the trigger when he was within range of the dissolution’s head. The buckshot completely encompassed its face, decimating the sliver of HP remaining. The radiance emanating from the giant changed hues, and within the span of a second, burst into a snowfall of blinding polygons. The explosion shined vibrantly, until it was slowly engulfed by the darkness that embodied the region’s atmosphere, as if the boss never existed. For a moment, all was silent. [color=#FF7F00]”So this is what tranquility sounds li- AND THIS IS WHAT FALLING THROUGH THE AIR FEELS LIKE OH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT.”[/color] Although Moon usually had an out, this wasn’t one of those times. The rogue flailed his arms as he plummeted to the ground, only to be whisked away by one of the few dragons left. The Outlaw steering the mount looked at the Sweeper utterly perplexed. Meanwhile, the boy gave the player a warm smile, [color=#FF7F00]”My hero!”[/color] From there, he promptly kicked him off and hijacked the mount. [quote][b]To:[/b] Arms Slave, Jet Rhino, Junkyard Dog, Ash Roller, Strawberry Baby [b]From:[/b] Paper Moon [b]Subject:[/b] Glad I wore my brown pa- wait I didn’t. Shit. [color=#FF7F00]“Alright, let’s wrap up the remaining Outlaws and figure out how we’ll spend our EXP. We’ll secure the drops once everything’s been said and done. Arms Slave and I will handle divvying them up to everybody. Good work out there everybody.”[/color][/quote] It wasn't long before the fighting continued, but for the most part, everyone had just been assigned to cleanup detail. [@Lucius Cypher][@KoL][@Caits][@Mega Birb]