[quote=@TheSovereignGrave] I don't think anyone was being hard on him. It's just that it was kinda sudden and without explanation. But hey, sometimes stuff does come up. Hell, I remember I once had to quit a couple of RPs I was in simply because it'd sort of gotten to the point that I was burnt out of RPing and it felt more like a chore than something I did for fun. [/quote] I know that feeling. Sometimes, though, you can fix it simply by ensuring that whatever character/nation you create could go without your writing for a while. Like, I have a character in another RP who's so reclusive that it makes sense for her to disappear forever while I take a break. And, if I have to take a break from this RP, the Xim Initiative could just close off it's borders and defend against most attacks for an indefinite period of time. [quote=@TheSovereignGrave] But on a different note. [@Hael], since people don't seem to be plopping themselves near me or even really filling out the map would it be a problem if I sort of went with the idea that I thought of before? With the region surrounding Ch'ak sort of being relatively unexplored and not home to any major space-faring civilizations? With Ch'ak sort of being known of by the other major interstellar powers, but without much actual direct contact (not zero firsthand contact; it just being rather rare). [/quote] I actually really like that idea. It would be fun for one of our explorers to find Ch'ak for the first time and flip the fuck out at the giant building-planets :lol So yes, it's allowed.