[color=92278f]"Don't worry I'm not too bad a guy. Just really grizzled and getting on in years. I wasn't too much younger than you were when I first started out in the service."[/color] Quentin chuckled as he shook his head. He was hoping the girl would be at least a little formal. After all they were in Londo Bell's western Europe HQ. [color=92278f]"I'd be happy to join you but I'm going to go check in with the techs near the hangers. I'm getting a new unit specifically for being put in charge of this unit. Nothing fancy probably but my old suit went up in a heap of trash awhile back. It was an old GM type suit from back when the Titans were still kicking. Served me well through the past years just couldn't keep up with the newer suits though. Still I hope you enjoy your lunch Ayano. And for reference my name is Lieutenant Quentin Richards. If you need me you'll know where I am. I'm sure they'll be shouting at us to meet someone big up the chain soon so we can get our first assignment."[/color] Quentin continued on as he took another big bite out of his food and chewed on it slowly. He was hoping that the others in his group would be a bit older but only time would tell who would and wouldn't be joining the crew.