Alright, here is my CS. In order to be better attached to the main plot, it'd be great if someone's character would be romantically involved with mine. If not, I'm sure I can work with some NPC. [hider=Alexandra] [b]Name[/b]: Alexandra Ivanov [b]Age[/b]: 24 [b]Gender[/b]: Female [b]Appearance[/b]: Alexandra is tall and slim, measuring 5'8 and weighing 130 lbs. She has light-brown hair and blue eyes. Unbeknownst to many, she has a scar running from the center of her back down to just above her left hipbone. [hider=Visual Description][IMG][/IMG][/hider] [b]Clothing[/b]: Typically, Alexandra can be seen wearing a form-fitting dress which ends just around knee level. She also wears nice shoes and gloves to finish off the look. [b]Possessions[/b]: A small enamel brass dagger with orange, green, and maroon decorative figures on the handle and sheath. [b]Current Wealth[/b]: $10.00 [b]Personality[/b]: Alexandra is a bit of a hot head. Due to some past traumatic experience, she developed what in the future would be known as Adjustment Disorder and her mood shifts rather quickly, sometimes leading her to blow various situations out of proportion. She is impatient and often blames everyone but herself for whatever misfortune comes her way. On the flip side, she is for the most part a rational and fair individual and will always favor whatever side she believes is right, despite of personal differences. [b]History[/b]: Alexandra was born into a family who wasn't the wealthiest around town, but they surely weren't the poorest. She's the youngest of three siblings, and it's a given that her two older brothers have always been overprotective of her growing up. Their father, Nikolai, started a small business which over time took off and expanded to something beyond what he had imagined. Naturally, with such an escalation in popularity, Nikolai made some enemies. Unfortunately, it was Alexandra that suffered the most as she was the one kidnapped at the tender age of 14. There was 5 to 6 months of torture, isolation, and other cruelties practiced against her before she was finally rescued. This event led the family move out of Moscow, where they were all originally from, and it was some time later when they finally found themselves in the United States. Unfortunately, starting over in a new land wasn't easy for anyone. Instead of living a peaceful life like they had hoped, business for the family on this side of the world was filled with nothing but murder and theft. Nikolai and his two eldest were involved with the Slavs from early on in the game. Alexandra, of course, continued school and fully mastered English in no time, although she still had her distinctive accent. A few years later, there was a meeting that quickly turned into a disaster. Nikolai and Andrei, the middle child, were both killed. This left Alexandra, Viktor, and their mother Valeria to fend for themselves. It was during this desperate few weeks that Viktor took it upon himself to take Alexandra along with him to one of the meetings. Even though she was hesitant at first, Alexandra agreed to a trial period to see how she would adjust. Much to her delight, and her mother's dismay, she loved it. From that moment forward, she's been following her late father and brother's footsteps and hasn't looked back since.[/hider]