Already structures were well under construction, the scouts returning back to the Empire's territory. They reported the quick raction time of those across the tile, that they were quickly muster defenses, and even large weapons of war such as ballistae, and catapults. Commander Yassara seemed impressed that such intelligent beings were their neighbors her hand clicking together while she stared at the fortifications across the way. "Centurion Mepia, inform the Empress. Tell her I would like to enter into diplomatic negotiations if she allows." The Centurion nodded taking to fly and maneuvering through the hole in the bottom of the cabinet. Yassara clicked her mandibles several times and turned to stare at the engineers as they worked at the the strange device, that was known as a strove. One stood on a coil in the middle of the stove shouting. "Turn the knob!" She says with a frown, one of the workers turns the knob, and a click ignites as gas flows up, flames swallow the Wasp standing in the middle coil and she screams. The worker quickly turns the knob back, but it's too late the wasp is nothing but charred remains. At least we know what it does." Yassara says with a sigh walking towards the stove. Several soldiers looked up from their post, a collective confusion arises as they see their new winged neighbors fiddling with the fire-lands. "The hell...?" Lord Commander Skritz winced as he saw the new-comers turn on the stove, only to burn one of them alive. A hell of a way to die but the sheer stupidity of it in Skritz's mind made him sigh, "Well then... I guess they deserved that after kicking those poor hootins off the edge." The lumpy red chunks still laid their on the floor in a pool of gore, they'd probably stink up the place unless someone would go down there and retreve the corpse. Normally the King would send a specialized team of coroners to get the bodies. The poorest people of the Nest City would probably get to them first though, hoping to seize any bits of valuables on them and hack off a bit of meat for their families. Meat is still meat, no matter where it comes from. "Get me more archers up here," Skrtiz turned around and walked away from the ledge he was peering over, wondering what in the world those idiots where trying to do with the fire-lands, "Don't want them to pull anything fishy while they give us a bonfire display." The wasps had finally gotten a grasp on the stove top and were now leaving it be at the moment, it would make good use for festivals, and if necessary enemy executions. Yassara watched as more and more of their neighbors prepared for combat, but just as she was considering setting up a stronger defensive force Mepia returned. "Commander, the Empress agrees that it would be best for there to be some kind of diplomatic meeting. You should meet with one of theirs, and then if things go well their leader can meet with her here." Commander Yassara could only nod in response as she stared at them for a much longer time than necessary. "Gather three more centurions, and two legionaires. I will lead them over myself." When the soldiers she had requested arrived Yassara took to the air followed by the four wasps, they moved to hover in front of the fortifications a bit of the ways out. Their spears held upwards in a show of non aggression. "I am Commander Yassara of the Hymenoptera Empire! I wish to speak with someone of authority from your people. So that we may come to terms, and that there will be no more aggression between our two nations!" "You're speaking to one." Skritz hid his growl under his best "official" voice, the ratfolk never really trusted outsider, at least not initially, he wasn't quite as amicable to them as the king was, "I am Lord Commander Skritz of Isle Eternia, otherwise known as the Nest City. What is it you wish to speak of? "Now, now, Skritz, no need to be so nasty now do we?" the Lord Commander quickly turned around as did many others, Nest King Greyhide had arrived from some lift tucked away somewhere. He twisted his pink fingers around his most magificent whiskers as his glorious silvery fur shone dimly in the sunlight streaking down from the other side of the window, now occupied by the wasps. "I am the Nest King Greyhide, the ruler of this mighty fortress-city you stand, or hover in this case, in front of." Greyhide's voice boomed as he approached the flying creatures, hands boldly behind his back. "M-my lord!" Skritz was clearly flabbergasted, "Why are you even up here? We must get you back down to safety!" "Nonesense my friend." the king waved a royal hand at the Lord Commander, "I was told by a runner that we have some new guests in this part of the Great House. Can a mouse not see such things for himself?" The Lord Commandered mumbled something under his breath but backed off and let the king have his moment. Skritz's eyes didn't stray from the bees though, his hand still wrapped tightly around his sword and ready to order an immediate, unrelenting bombardment should the king be proven a fool. "Heh heh, always a skittish one that rat is." Greyhide chuckled before clearing his throat and facing the winged envoys, "Now... may I make a most humble request to see your own leader? Tis only fair now that you've seen me that I am allowed to see your's great leader no?" The envoy from the Empire floated for a moment, watching the back and forth between the King Mouse, and his commander. Yassara looking back at the others, knowing they were ready to die for her at a moment's notice so she could escape back to their side. "She would come King Greyhide, but she has begun settling in, and asking her to move could possibly be detrimental to her health at the moment. She will be indisposed for at least a week or more. I will however grant you and a personal guard of your choice and size to come to her chambers nad meet with her personally." She clicked her manidbles a few times hoping they would be accepting of these terms as she had little else to offer. "You would also be in the company of Queen Ellis, of the Bees. I'm sure all of this royalty gathered in one place would have much to talk about. You would be served combs of honey as well. It's quite fresh and delicious." King Greyhide respectfully shook his head and rose a hand, "My apologizes, but I'm afraid I cannot go. As much as I'd love to, I'm sure that my Lord Commander would make every move he could to stop me from going by any means necissary." Even though he could not see the ratfolk, the king had no doubt that he was once again swearing up a silent storm, going to vent at his retinue later once this had all finished. However, such act only proved Greyhide's theory prompting a smile to crack on his face, "However, would you mind delivering her a letter soon? I'll have it be placed on a long pole so you need not flutter close to our walls if that is to your fancy once I write it up of course." Some mumbling went through the gathered Imperials as they heard the refusal to meet with their Empress, it was slightly insulting to their honor that they couldn't be trusted, but they also understood in a way. Yassara listened to the idea of a letter being passed by pole, and nodded. 'This offer is satisfactory. We await your word." They turned and shot back across to the counter. Yassara looked down surprised to see the hootin bodies were already gone, not even smears of blood left behind. She landed easily, and clicked her mandibles some more. "Continue fortifications.. Building everything. Await the letter, watch closely for it. If they display any signs of aggression I want them beaten back into their tunnels." Commander Yassara flew into the hole leading to the Empress' chambers disappearing. HIgh Sheriff Kisriss tilted her head slightly watching all that was going on in concern. 'A letter hm. I do not trust these rodents. They seem a finnicky lot, too ready to begin firing arrows at us." She settled into a chair that had been made for her, and leaned forward onto a jagged sword made of glass. Skritz opened his mouth in outrage over what the king had just done, but was quickly met with a hand in front of his face, "Patience friend, there is no need for us to kill everyone we come across." Leaving an obviously fuming Lord Commander behind him, King Greyhide made his way to a lift and watched as mice above heavied a carefully weighted stone onto the platform to slow the king's descent, it would not be a good idea to send their lord plunging into the ground afterall. With great haste, Greyhide made his way back to his quarters, calling for his servants. Soon the room was abuzz with servants carrying in the finest ink and paper and scholars who were trying to give input on writing style and diction. It wasn't as if Greyhide really needed to have a room full of egg heads, but he guessed it would be a decent way of bouncing ideas back and forth. [indent][i]To the most esteemed Empress of the Hymenoptera Empire, I am the Nest King of Eternia, ruler of the fortress-city across the tiles from you. I have seen your military commander, one 'Commander Yassara', and have heard that your empire wishes to seek cordial relations between our great states. I welcome such actions as the people of Eternia do not wish for a war no matter how well prepared we appear to be. There is much that I would like to talk about, however my letters will only become so long. As such, I wish for two representatives who are capible of translating and expressing the desires of our respective states to meet in a non-contested area. I would like to recommend using the strait of tiles between us as it is the only point which both of us have cleary and easy access too. I do hope that we can remain in good contact with one another from now one, Nest King Greyhide the Third of the Nest City of Eternia.[/i][/indent] Handing the finished message in his signautre curly hand writing used only for important decrees and documents, Greyhide watched as one of his servants rushed it up to the top where it would be attached to the longest pole available. Should all go well, this could become quite the opportunity. If not... people will have good reason to call him "Greyhide the Fool" then. The letter was received and almost immediately transported to the Empress with only Yassara giving it a cursory glance before handing it to Xeta. "My Empress, this is from the King Greyhide." Empress Xeta took the paper, her eyes scanning along the words scrawled across it before nodding. She turned it over and began to write a reply. [indent][i]King Greyhide I see that you wish for us to come up with envoys who can speak for one another. Rather I will send my daughter in my place. She will speak with my voice and meet with you atop your fortress to discuss all things for the future of our two nations. If you agree to this idea, simply fire a single ballistae at the tile between us.[/i][/indent] She handed the letter to a passing worker bee. "Fly over the Rodent Fortress and drop this to them." She turned and looked to her daughter Princess Vel. "Prepare a guard for yourself and plan to enter into negotiations with the Rodents." Princess Val and the Bee both left at the same time, though both went in different directions once outside. Princess Val gathering up ten hornet Legionaires, and five Centurions. Surely they would accept an honor guard of that size. While the Bee flew over the fortress releasing the letter as she moved above it, and dropping it towards the soldiers below. The message was quickly transfered to the paws of King Greyhide after literally being dropped on a more sparsely populated portion of wall. The King himself was no longer in his own quarters within the city, but in one of the SNC posts burrowed into the walls which he had commendeered for a closer writing space. Making noises of deep thought, Greyhide showed it to one of his personal guards and nodded at one of the officers who was in his prescence. Surrying out of the enterance and up the stairs, the shot of tightly wound ballista bolt hitting the hard tile below rung out. Greyhide ran a paw through his silver fur and adjusted the golden wedding band that served as his crown. Walking out of the post, a small parade of servants and honor guards followed their king as he ascended the stairs towards the the highest tower of the countertop keep. With his servants in clean robes and his Ironrat honor guard clad in their finest heavy armor, King Greyhide climbed up the last set of stairs and met face to face with the wasp princess in front of him. "Greetings," the king began as his guards flanked both sides of him, "May I presume you are the daughter of the Empress of Hymenoptera?" Princess Val turned and bowed to the king. "Yes that would be me. I am Princess Val. I am here to speak on behalf of my mother." Her honor guard stood quiet behind her, leaving her seemingly unprotected as they did not see sense in the King bringing harm to Val. Their manidbles clicked as they spoke to each other in a uncommon tongue that only the insects of Hymenoptera could understand. Princess Val extended a chitinous hand to the king so that he could take it, and kiss the top as would be customary for male royalty to do to female royalty. She gave off a sense of kindness, though there was a brutality deep down inside that could come out if necessary. "My Mother wishes for us to work together in a most intimate way. She wishes for our... Nations to merge, to become stronger in a way. You are a King! A great one to have made such a great city for so long! We would not wish to see such a thing fall. We would rather see us work together. Create a beautiful society, that would spread throughout this home. Your building is magnificent, and we are capable of supplying so much raw materials." The King bowed and kissed the princess's insectoid hands, brushing away his robes as he stood up once more, chuckling at the offer made by the wasp. "As much as I wish for our nations to work together, I must confess I didn't expect it to be [i]that[/i] close. I am afraid that my people are not one to bow their heads to someone not of their fur. You need not worry about Eternia falling, I can assure you that the walls on this side do not compare to our defenses on the other side of our island. Even if the outer walls are too fall, we still have inner defenses, and then the city and then-" Princess Val held up a hand. "You misunderstand King Greyhide. We do not wish to rule you. Simply have you be at one with us. Your people would not have to bow to our Empress, though we would expect the respect given to royalty here, as we would to you as king. It would simply be a mutually beneficial relationship. We work together to great magnificent feats. We do not expect you to fight for us, but we would expect the both of us to defend our mutual relations together. Whether that would be us helping you defend your land, and vice versa. This relationship would also allow us open, and free trade! Open borders between our people! Do you not see the benefits this would bring? We would both be doubly as strong to our enemies, they would think ten times before daring to attack either of us. Everyone would prosper." She moved closer to the King, and whispered in his ear. "My mother would only expect that you treat her as what she is. Empress, and she will treat you as what you are. The king of Eternia. The Hymenoptera Emprie is a great thing that will stretch throughout this Great Home. Come we already have one Monarch who shares with us her people. Surely it cannot be that bad for us to work together in such a way. It would be much better than war, or indifference." "Hmm..." the king closed his eyes and nodded, "I see. I shall accept such terms for now. I shall have to draft up a more proper agreement later. I should caution you though, we rodentfolk are not aggressive people by nature but I am willing to support your endeavors as long as they are not needless acts of violence and bloodshed." Val tilted her head slightly. "We would not ask you to join us in our campaigns abroad to bring this home into civilization. Simply aid us here on the homefront, as we will aid you." She stands up completely and strokes the Rodent's face. "Please.. Let us have something written up. I will stay here. While we do so." [center]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Time Later -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/center] The two races peered over their documents as they wrote, revised and annotated the draft of their treaty. The pulp-pressed paper had since long been used in such a manner so that no one would have to worry about making the document look pretty on the first go around, the final version would be written upon a piece of Rat Beast parchment. More mice had trickled in from somewhere, all carrying records and logs to which the King Greyhide constantly referred to as he discussed the pact with the wasp princess. It also seemed that some more wasps and hornest flew in from somewhere but it could have easily just been the King not paying attention to his surroundings as he sunk his focus into his work. Both sides had been talking in hushed whispers and cryptic clicks for the entirty of the process but there was enough trust to hold the meeting together to work on the treaty. Removing his wire spectacles, Greyhide looked over the draft and its countless notes and markings, "I believe this is a suitable arrangement, there's quite a lot of work that has gone into this it seems. How does the Hymenoptera Emprie think of this?" Princess Val looked over the paper with a nod, and began to read it aloud. [i][indent]"I Princess Val of the Hymenoptera Empire, speaking on behalf of Empress Xeta of the Hymenoptera Empire do agree to the agreements written upon this treaty with the King of Eternia, may he live forever. Nest King Greyhide the Thrid, on behalf of the Isle of Eternia, do agree to the terms and agreements written upon this treaty with Princess Val of the Hymenoptera Empire, speaking on behalf of Empress Xeta of the Hymenoptera Empire, may sucess and greatness be granted unto them. That our two nations that forever hold a mutual defense against all foes who would dare raise arms against us. That we will assist in the mutual construction of defenses for our two nations. That we will assist in the construction of infrastructure linking our two powerful nations, so that our open borders will easily be accesible to both our peoples. That we will have open free trade between our nations for mutual benifit." "[/indent][/i]