[quote=@6slyboy6]His wrist console suddenly beeped as it intercepted a transmission. It seemed that someone has made a call using Jay's identity. He didn't let it bother him, and told the console to filter the name, [u][b]and send a message in the known 10 thousand different coding messages[/b][/u] that would identify a misuse of personality. He just hoped that this weird palce would use one of them.[/quote] The actual wording you used indicates that ten thousand individual messages were sent. Apart from that, each individual coding language used would necessarily constitute a new message. You could also have hypothetically sent a single large message containing each different coding iteration, one after the other, but the message would have been rather large and requiring a longer transmission period - it probably would not have arrived by the time of my post if that were the case (in addition to your own wording not supporting that possibility).