[center][h2]United Aleani Republic[/h2] [b]Location:[/b]Alma'Ton Council Room, UAR Red = Grar Dodgerblue = Len Blue = Al'Tran Green = Shen Chocolate = Sheiom ----------- [/center] [color=chocolate]"The UAR Council will now begin."[/color] called a caramel colored female lizard, Delta Sheiom. 3 other lizards took thier seat around a around table in a dark room in the Council building in the center of Alma'Ton. [color=red]"Where is Tresais Al'Tran"[/color] Epsilon Grar said aggravated, looking amongst those who were in attendance. Almost as if on que, Tresais Al'Tran entered the room, he eyes hard and calculating as he took his seat next to the Delta. Len sat at the head of the table, boredom etched into his rugged features. With a sigh, Len lifted his head off his his fist and gazed at the Tresais coldly, anger and disappointment blazing in his eyes. [color=DodgerBlue]"The 'Whole' chose you to lead them. Don't let them down Al'Tran."[/color] Len said simply. The Tresais laughed, stroking his chin as if had a beard. [color=Blue]"I assure you Preeminence, in no way shape or form do I plan to fail the 'Whole', I had other matters to take care of."[/color] Al'Tran said nonchalantly. [color=DodgerBlue]"You were elected to make the hard decisions, to make the important ones, to do what the 'Whole' cannot do as one. You cannot be late."[/color] Len retorted. [color=red]"Enough. The Council has begun and we must go over many matters of importance."[/color] Sheiom said deadpan, despite the apparent sarcasm in her voice. The group grew silent as the Beta, who had remained silent throughout the whole conversation spoke. [color=Green]"These are updates on long lasting bills that have been passed."[/color] Shen said as he stood up before the Council. [color=Green]"The 40 Year Hootin Plan has begun. We have captured 136 Hootins, of those, only 40 are males. We we have forced the males to mate with most of the females and we have a confirmed 20 pregnancies.‘’[/color] Shen explained. [color=DodgerBlue]"Reiterate for us the 40 Year Plan.‘’[/color] Len mumbled tiredly. [color=Green]"Of course. The 40 Year Plan is a program to breed and raise Hootin numbers. We will raise 2 generations of them, then slaughter the first generation. Hootins are rich in iron and fat, this will provide soldiers with much needed nutrients and energy on the battlefield."[/color] [color=chocolate]"Will this plan benefit the Whole?‘’[/color] Sheiom said, her lips set in a thin line. A resounding yes rang throughout the room. [color=DodgerBlue]"Then continue."[/color] Len said simply, waving his hand. [color=Green]"Aye, it has come to to the attention of the Council that the Talos, heavily armored Hootins are in possession of a cannon, capable are firing coloured ammunition that can vaporize a being."[/color] [color=chocolate]"Why did you bring this up Shen, this does not threaten the Whole?‘’[/color] Sheiom said aggravated. [color=red]"This will be a problem if we ever go to war with them. With an alliance with the Pale Queen in the works, the Talos may see this as a threat. We cannot fight them in the air with that cannon."[/color] Grar said simply. [color=Blue]"No doubt it would benefit the Whole if we acquired that weapon for defensive purposes. But do we have any right take it out of fear and speculation, lets be honest Shen brought it up to cause trouble."[/color] [color=DodgerBlue]"We know that cannon will benefit the Whole, and if we were to ever fight them, it would affect us. The Talos are strong, and we cannot take them head on. The cannon is extremely large and will take almost 500 to 1000 flies to carry. If we really want to do this, we cannot to this without help.‘’[/color] Len finally said, speaking up after listening to the opinions of the rest of the Council. [color=Chocolate]"An idea. We take the Talos down from the inside. Convince some Hootin to infiltrate the Talos with the Guild, take Talos armor, and fire it at the rodents and hornets. See how they react. If they see this as war, they wipe put the Talos, if they attack with to diplomacy, have the Guild assassinate a Talos and plant evidence that it was the hornets. Simple."[/color] Len chuckled. [color=DodgerBlue]"You never cease to amaze me Sheiom."[/color] Len glanced at Shen. [color=DodgerBlue]"Shen, we will go over the logistics of this later. It is likely this will not be done. But we must ask ourselves in what way does this benefit the whole in the long run."[/color] [color=red]"Next!"[/color] Grar yelled. [color=Green]"The Pale Queen as agreed to an alliance. A Trade Hub is to be built in the Green Flatlands."[/color] Shen said quickly. [color=DodgerBlue]"Do we agree that this well be of use to the Whole.‘’[/color] A resounding yes rang out. [color=Green]"The Rodents and Hornets have formed an alliance of sorts."[/color] [color=DodgerBlue]"Will this effect the Whole?"[/color] Len asked tiredly. Al'Tran spoke up.[color=Blue]"In the long run, military excursions will be difficult. It would be best to try and become allies to them."[/color] [color=Green]"Lastly, or neighbors to the north, the Doska. They are large and powerful, extremely capable war machines."[/color] Shen said excitedly. [color=DodgerBlue]"We know this will benefit the whole, but they are huge, and that will be difficult to tame."[/color] Len said stroking his chin. [color=Blue]"Raining acid on them can weaken them. With the constant rain we can weaken to the point the guerilla warfare will be very effective."[/color] Al'Tran said leaning back in his seat. [color=DodgerBlue]"This will be discussed at a later date. As off now, we will focus on the 40 Year Plan and the Trade Hub. This Council is adjourned."[/color] Len said finally before leaving the Counil to its own devices.