A second message crackled over the intercom of the Milano: [i]“Monitoring station for the Milano, We repeat; please turn off all transmitting devices or we will be forced to inspect your vessel.” [/i] The message was just relayed by comms-officer Daront when the supervisor approached him waving his hand under his chin to signal Daront to cut off the conversation. There had just been some commotion in the station for the ship that was next in line for the Milano. Daront gave the supervisor a nod indicating the connection was closed which prompted the supervisor to speak: [i]“The ship following it has a security clearance, might be the Order wants something with this ship, the signal we are getting is a tracing signal used by our military trackers!” [/i] The supervisor was clearly nervous, they hadn’t had many situations like these before and she was clearly still pondering about it. Daront wasn’t sure what to do but before he got further orders his supervisor turned to flight control. [i]“Put that ship on a course for docking, Officer Daront, call them to announce an inspection. Get me a draft of monitored freighters and crews, if the Order wants them we’ll bring them in.” [/i] A cocky glance went over the holo-display of the asteroid field towards the ship with the security clearance. Daront watched her in mild surprise, he knew the supervisor was a bit on edge due to a smuggler slipping through recently but- [i]“Daront, I gave an order.”[/i] The comms of the Milano came to live again with the message followed by a sharp veering of course towards the station. Doubt gripped the crew, did they have any illicit goods left aboard? Was it my past that has caught up? Was it one of the fellow crewmembers that was hiding a search warrant? Did their contact rat them out? --- In the meanwhile Gavon could see the change of course while the comms with the monitoring station remained silent…