[center][h3][b][color=9e0039]Yuri[/color][/b][/h3] [i]Resistance HQ[/i] [sup][u]Early Morning[/u][/sup][/center] As soon as the foreigner grabbed her wrist, the Deku woman was incredibly tempted to redirect his force and allow his face to get acquainted with the ground. But that would most definitely jeopardize trade operations, so she simply struggled slightly to let him know that he was being incredibly stupid. As soon as she let the both of them go, she disregarded him with a sneer and began to walk over to a table near her. A man too, walked up to the table. He looked like a sheikah, from what she had seen of them, but his outfit seemed almost reminiscent of Yuri's dreaded enemy, the Kokiri. Still, she was sure he was just a sheikah with odd taste and didn't bring anything up, instead focusing on the note he placed on the table, and the soft glow of the triforce on his hand. How many people had a piece of the triforce? Were the pieces drawn to one another? Would the resistance even need her piece? She quickly read the note. A trade caravan was under attack? It was lead by a fellow Deku, no doubt. She wondered idly if people like these were able to take on 25 others in a combat. Her thoughts were interrupted with the booming voice of Gerik, who 'asked' the foreigner to stay and wait for the rest of the platoon. He also said that he was 'in no mood to babysit' so if Yuri wanted to sell her Piece of Wisdom, she'd have to wait until the discussion after the mission. She sighed in disappointment. She should probably help these guys out. She doubted that they would survive without her, and even if they did, she'd have to wait until they got back to reason with Gerik. It certainly would be more interesting to follow the soldiers, and she was sure there were going to be spare weapons able to be refurbished and sold at a later date. Still, she wished she had the good fortune to have been smuggling knives of some kind. While the woman was absorbed in thought, it appeared the ninja had brought the group bread. Yuri smiled a tad, before breaking off a piece and stuffing it in her mouth. She hadn't had breakfast yet, so she was very glad for it. [color=9e0039]"Many thanks, sheikah. Do you have a name? I'm Yuri, the merchant. I've traded with this resistance a few times. I wouldn't be surprised if that staff you have there was brought here by yours truly."[/color] She rambled. Hopefully he was proficient with said staff. She was unsure how well this little mission was going to go.