[hider=James Carter] Name: James Carter Species: Human Sex: Male Age: 23 Alignment: Neutral Partner: Sir Lancelot Faction: None [hider=Appearance] James is a decidedly average if a tad short american man in his early 20's. At 5' 6" and 180 lbs, he is a stout man with a comparativly pudgy baby face that lacks a real ruggedness. His eyes are an uninteresting brown that matches his trimmed, short hair. He cares little about others opinions of his appearance as he is painfully aware of his lack of exceptional good looks. As such he is almost always casually dressed, often going around in a featurless T-shirt and cargo jeans. Occasionally if he really doesn't care that day(Or if the weather suggests) he will be wearing a gray long sleeved hoodie with black sweatpants. He altrenates between Tennis shoes and hiking boots, terrain permitting. [/hider] Aura: James's aura takes the form of a blue grey mist that surrounds his body. It gives off the smell of approaching rain and invokes a certain uneasyness in people, akin to a, "The calm before the storm" feeling. [hider=Personality] If approached, on the surface he seems amicable, if guarded. He is brief, polite, and generally easygoing. Behind his completely uninteresting appearance however, there lies a personality one might go so far to describe as, "Psycopathic." James has a distant, impersonal view of society. Often people are viewed as tools at best, and obstacles to be eliminated at worst. He is a social Darwinist, expressing deep if hidden disgust for those that show no ambition or waste his time. His deep, brown eyes are constantly scanning the hordes of mindless plebeians for potential threats or opportunities. His cynical attitude and outright hostility towards those of lower intelligence has driven off many and won him few friends. Deeper still however, and known to only a precious few, is a soul of silver. The few friends he has he treasures above all others, he simply enjoys intelligent company. James does not hate society, he is [i]disappointed[/i] in it. And while he seems to have ulterior motives, he generally seems to act with humanities best interests at heart.[/hider] [hider=Biography]James's life was a shaken one. Born a few years after millennial day to a high ranking member of the Protectorate of Humanity, hatred of spirits was drilled into him since he was young. His parents however, underestimated their prodigy of a son. With above average intelligence and access to information free of his parents bias via the internet, young James quickly saw through his parents racism as he matured. With an insatiable lust for knowledge and fear of his parents reaction if they found out, James sought to find a spirit to protect him. On one of his parent’s outings to Europe, James visited an ancient castle ruin in Great Britain. There he met a powerful spirit, Sir Lancelot; Knight of the lake. After conversing with the sullen spirit for three hours, he finally managed to convince him to form a soul pact. He kept his new friend and guardian a secret for three years. On his 18’th birthday James finally decided to confess to his parents that he was pro-spirit. Responding with outrage, James and his parents argued for hours until Lancelot finally decided to show himself and attempt to ease the tension. Discovering that their son had made a soul pact already, this was the tipping point for his parents, and could only end in bloodshed. After a vicious battle with his parents PCU's that nearly killed him, James and Lancelot escaped into the city and disappeared into the night. Mysteriously appearing seemingly overnight on the shores of Millennial City, James spent the next five years religiously studying magic and its properties; In order to become a better sorcerer and deepen his bond with Lancelot, James has dedicated himself to becoming strong enough to topple the Protectorate with his bare hands, and will do anything to protect his new home. [/hider] [hider=skills] [i]Powerful intellect:[/i] As a child James was always naturally gifted. Combined with top-tier tutoring from a rich family, internet access, and an insatiable lust for knowledge, has sharpened his wit to nearly laser-like precision. He has a deep understanding of physics, technology, and the world around him. [i]Sorcerous prodigy:[/i] Five years of nearly religious study of magic and its inner workings has pushed his abilities far. While no one can become an arch-mage in a day, James is far beyond the level of a normal student in an equivalent position. [i]Keen sixth sense:[/i]The years he has spent indulging in the magical arts has had the side effect of developing his ability to sense magic. He can use his sixth sense as easily as one would use their own eyes. [i]Combat training:[/i]Growing up into wealth, James was spared no expense in making sure he was prepared for the outside world when he came of age. Although his parents plans for him have since fallen through, he has nonetheless put the knowledge to good use. He has decent experience in police firearm training and self defense courses. He is proficient in krav maga and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. [i]Knight Training:[/i] Through the telepathic link, James has managed to glean some of Lancelot's martial prowess. While he cannot even be compared on the same order of magnitude as his spirit, James has achieved a level of skill with medieval weaponry befitting a young squire. [i]Cooking skills[/i] James is highly proficient at cooking ramen and kraft mac & cheeze. On an unrelated note, Lancelot has since taken the duty of apartment chef. [/hider] [hider=Abilities]James's magical prowess is where his true combat strength lies. He is a clever and versatile mage with a deep understanding of multiple advanced magical concepts. [i]Telekinesis:[/i] As the name implies, James can project mana appendages to manipulate objects from a distance, as if he was using giant hands. [i]Mana Absorb:[/i] A spell of his own design, to his pride. After intently studying mages abilities to absorb the elements of their specialty magic, he developed a generalized version capable of absorbing any mana type. This has the downside of only absorbing at 75% of the efficiency of a true specialist, but the sheer versatility is not to be ignored. Advanced spatial magic: James is an expert at manipulating space, and can create wormholes and manipulate the forces of gravity with relative ease. -Gravity magic- Commanding one of the four fundamental forces of the universe, James can lift, throw, push, pull, and crush his opponents with gravity. -Gravity armor- Exuding pure force in every direction, He can use gravity to knock away attacks. Alchemy: While not a master, James can use mana to manipulate and restructure the atomic makeup of certain materials. Various utility spells: Over time, James has learned to use his mana to accomplish a variety of mundane tasks using sorcery; A sort of, "magical Swiss army knife." Elemental magic: While not a master, James is adept at a variety of elemental magicks. Reinforce: Branching off alchemy, he has learned to use magic to reach inside objects to strengthen their atomic bonds and enhance their existing properties. Most often he uses this on himself to grant superhuman strength, durability and agility. [/hider] [hider=Soulshards] [i]Soul armory:[/i] Given his fascination with european mythology and history, James's soulshard is an amorphous mass of blue soulstuff that can take the form of any variety of medieval weaponry. These weapons are a glowing, wispy blue, are stronger than titanium, and weigh no more than 4 pounds. The most common forms his soulshard takes are as follows; -Soul spear: His primary form of attack, James summons a glowing blue spear that hovers in place, before hurling it at his opponent. Speeds have been recorded anywhere between 600-4000 mph, and is dependant on how much energy he is expending per spear. The more spears he summons, the less powerful they become. The most he has been witnessed to be able to summon was 12 simultaneous soul spears. -Soul sword: While he can emulate any bladed weapon, it most often takes the form of a scottish claymore; and is highly flexible in close combat. Soul shield: A basic, glowing pale blue [url=http://www.toledosword.com/im/SZ926719TS.jpg]shield[/url] that provides solid defense. Soul Gauntles: A personal favorite, his forearms become encased in a pale blue armor that allow his fists to transfer much greater force free of self injury.[/hider] [hider=posessions] Hidden under his shirt is the only jewelry James wears. It is a chain necklace with a glass ball that is held in place by a dragons claw. The sphere is hollow, and is about the size of a golf ball. Inside this sphere is a miniature wormhole leading directly to the core of the sun. James has placed powerful enchantments on the ball to contain the overflowing magic spilling out from the chaos gate within. James carries around a thick book that has seen many years. It has a leather binding and is three inches thick. He claimes to have aquired it from an old bookstore in san francisco, And only refers to it as, "The Codex." [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sir Lancelot] Name: Sir Lancelot, Knight of the lake. Species: Spirit Alignment: Light Partner: James Carter Faction: None Sex: Male Age: Unknown, roughly 1600+ years old Aura: Lancelots aura is a Royal Purple that exudes his honor and dignity as a knight. When gazed upon it can evoke a sense of awe and comfort, as befitting a knight in shining armor. [hider=Appearance] Lancelot is a robust man with a smooth textured feature on his [url=http://orig05.deviantart.net/29fb/f/2015/220/b/f/sir_lancelot_by_nathanralls09-d94tkf8.jpg]face[/url], he has a look of calmness in his eyes with his purple hair neatly thrown back and having strands of hair run down the sides of his head. At 191 cm and 81 kg, he is tall, handsome, and generally makes the ladies swoon whenever he walks in a room; not that he notices or would even reciprocate those feelings if he did, but still. in combat he is fully clad in shining silver armor and a rustic helmet with a thinly carved slit displaying his gleaming eyes. The armor is the work of the delicate and nuanced workmanship of its smith's utmost effort, succeeding in granting it an air of formidability and a fine construction. It is a wonderful armor that can be called neither exquisite nor crude, and it instead perfectly melds magnificence and functionality. It is carved with countless marks and scratches, the highlights of his various military exploits etched into it to add a touch of valor. It is an ideal battle outfit that all knights could not help but envy. When not in combat Lancelot usually wears a dark blue dress shirt and necktie with a French continental dark suit.[/hider] [hider=Personality] Lancelot is the image of a perfect knight. He is a gentelman and is extremely loyal to those he considers friends. However, because of his troubled history, he can seem sullen at times as he is burdened with overwhelming guilt. He is conscerned with James's health and safety, both physical and mental; He will do anything to help him, but he can only hope James's quest for vengeance does not consume him as it once did in his own life. Lancelot values ettiquette and tradition. His hobbies include cooking(see skills) watching soap operas, and hiking.[/hider] [hider=Biography]He was originally born and raised in France, he had heard rumors of the King of Britain. He believed the King of Knights in Britain was pure nonsense. He began to compare himself with the King of Knights until he decided to travel to Britain to see the legendary king with his own eyes. He met the King as soon as he landed in Britain in the midst of battle. It carved a deep impression of the King when he saw the sight of a young boy riding on his horse, gallantly swinging his sword in a horde of invaders. It proved how wrong he was, the requirement to battle day and night wasn't physical attributes but it was one who holds unwavering convictions. Lancelot had fought together with the King in that battle, and for his accomplishments he was granted the honor of speaking with him as a friend and invited to Camelot as a guest. Before long, he began desiring a seat on the Round Table. He became a knight among the Round table and saw many battles. He had many famous exploits, including once hiding his name and disguising himself to enter a horse race for the sake of a friend’s honor. Even after falling into a trap and being forced to face the enemy's blades with only his bare hands, he had proved victorious with his skilled fighting prowess using only an elm branch. When Sir Tristan left the castle saying King Arthur does not understand how others feel. It was those words that began to trigger his insanity. Sir Lancelot wishes to lessen the burden for his King, a wish that Guinevere also held. They conversed with each other and came to recognize each other as friends and rely on the other. It was then that Sir Lancelot became attracted to her. When Lancelot and the queen began their affair, the Knight of the Lake considered fleeing Camelot with her, but his loyalty to Arthur and his sense of duty prevented him from doing so. When political enemies of the king learnt about the affair, Agravain who was working for Morgan le Fay had exposed the adultery relationship to the public. The queen was ordered to be executed, Lancelot left with no other choice. Lancelot attempted to save her, killing several of his fellow knights including Gawain's brothers, Gareth and Gaheris, in the process. He fled back to his own domain. Lancelot, who was considered the perfect knight, Guinevere, the queen who had made her beloved betray his duty, and Arthur, the king who blamed himself for his loyal knight's despair, all suffered from the resulting fallout. Although Arthur forgave Lancelot's actions, Gawain still bore great hatred towards Lancelot for his betrayal and the death of his brothers. His disloyalty had fractured the balance within the Knights of the Round Table. This incident eventually became the trigger of civil war and carnage, and the country shattered to pieces in the flames of war. Lancelot, even after being excommunicated, wanted to participate the Battle of Camlann to serve his King but Gawain hostilely rejected him which resulted in the downfall of his King and country. When Lancelot heard the news of his King, Lancelot sank in despair and escaped through madness. Ultimately, Lancelot's affair with Guinevere is a destructive force resulting in the death of Gawain's brothers and his two sons, the estrangement of Lancelot and Gawain, and Mordred's betrayal of King Arthur. Upon hearing the news of Arthur's death, Lancelot finds that Guinevere has become a nun. She blames all the destruction of the Round Table upon their adulterous relationship, which is the seed of all the dismay that followed, according to Le Morte D'Arthur. She refuses to kiss Lancelot one last time, telling him to return to his lands and that he will never see her face again. Instead, Lancelot declares that, if she will take a life of penitence, then so will he. He then retires to a hermitage to live the remainder of his life in penitence, with eight of his kin joining him, including Sir Bors. Eventually, he becomes a priest, later conducting rites over the deceased body of Guinevere (who had become an abbess). As she had indicated, he never saw her face again in life. He had a dream warning him that she was dying, so he set out to visit her. But Guinevere prayed that she might die before he arrived, and so she did, half an hour before his arrival. After the queen's death, Lancelot and his fellow knights escort her body to be interred beside King Arthur (it was in the same place that Gawain's skull was kept). Lancelot then begins to fail, distraught for the loss of his beloved king and queen. In fact, even before this time, Le Morte D' Arthur states that he had lost a cubit of height due to his penitent fastings and prayers. Lancelot dies six weeks after the death of the queen. It is implied that he wished to be buried beside the king and queen; however, he had made a vow some time before to be buried at Joyous Gard, so he asks to be buried there so as not to break his word. After his death, Lancelot continued to wander the borders of the sea of chaos for one and a half thousand years. After millennial day, he dwelt near the graves of his beloved king and queen. Twenty-two years after Millenial day, he was discovered by the young sorcerer James Carter. Eventually being convinced that he has suffered enough penance for his crimes, he enteres a soul pact with the boy. [/hider] [hider=Skills] [i]Superhuman fitness:[/i] Lancelot was the most martial of all the knights of king arthurs round table, and as such had a flawless physique. Even being at the peak of human physical fitness in life, his strength only continued to grow as a spirit after death. In the present time, Lancelot can flip cars, dodge bullets point blank, and is a terrifying presence to behold on the battlefield. [i]Eternal Arms Mastership[/i] Lancelot shows incredibly adept technical skills in battle due to Eternal Arms Mastership, allowing him to put to use all of his skills in weaponry Regardless of his mental state. His mastery of the combat arts is at the level where he was unrivaled within his era. Due to the complete unification of mind, body, and technique, he displays flawless fighting skill even under the influence of any sort of mental hindrance. Though he attacks ferociously like a beast, all his attacks are accurate and precise enough to push even the strongest Servants back, and he can perform seemingly impossible maneuvers normally requiring complex thought purely on instinct. [i]Cooking:[/i]Surprisingly, Lancelot is an accomplished baker and chef, and regularly enters in professional cooking competitions. One of his life goals is to finally beat that, "Smug prick" Gordon Ramsey at his own game.[/hider] [hider=Abilities](For Someone's Glory: Not For One's Own Glory) Due to being famous in legend for disguising himself as other knights, Lancelot can conjure a magical white fog that obscures his own identity. This ability can even be used to completely alter his appearance to look exactly like anyone he has seen. (Knight of Honor: A Knight Does Not Die with Empty Hands) Part of Lancelots legend states that he once defeated a knight with nothing but the branch of an elm tree. Possibly one of Lancelots most terrifying abilities is that he is never without a weapon. Literally. Anything he can conceptually recognize as a weapon he can flood with mana and turn it into a low ranking magical weapon. From street light poles to fighter jets, mundane everyday objects are transformed into deadly magical weapons, capable of harming mortal and spirit alike. [i]Magic Resistance:[/i] Lancelot is resistant to various forms of magic, capable of nullifying basic spells and resisting stronger ones. [/hider] [hider=Soulshards] Arondight: The Unfading Light of the Lake is a holy sword wielded by Lancelot that is the counterpart of King Arthur's Excalibur. It bears a similar design to that of Excalibur, carved with Fairy Letters to signify it's divine status. It is a beautiful sword that shines much like the water of the Lake. Arondight is extremely damage resistant. It was given only to someone who could be exalted as the "perfect knight", the strongest, bravest and truest knight of an era, which signifies the unrivaled Lancelot out of all those who sat at the Round Table of Camelot. The sword has lost its status as a holy sword after Lancelot used it to slay several of his fellow knights who were acting as guards of the execution of Guinevere. Though it has since regained its holy status over Lancelots millennium of repentance. It is Lancelot's true weapon, which seals For Someone's Glory and Knight of Honor once it is drawn. It has a special ability that allows his soul to enter hyper mode, and he cannot enter this state without wielding the artifact. [/hider] [/hider]