Brother Artenius was not amused by the current state of the combat, not by a long shot. It showed that whoever composed these kill teams had no idea as to what they were doing, not that the librarian would openly say that, lest the accusations of heresy should come. His main gripe was that the two Sons of Russ had largely done nothing, the first was shot and instantly slain while the other had been tinkering with his weapon on account of it jamming. “Damned, were it not for skill alone it seems” he muttered under his breath, levelling his bolter to take another volley at the amassed Tau gun line that assailed him and his brother space marines. The gun kicked and thumped in his hand, each shot giving off a blinding flash as it exited the muzzle, leaving also the sooty smell of freshly burnt gun powder. The shells travelled with the murderous intent found perhaps only in ancient legend, as it seemed as they all hit their marks. Two struck the armoured form of the Tau Sargent, one hitting his centre mass and the other in the upper leg. The former completely destroyed the Xeno's torso, blowing it away in a shower of gore, the latter simply managed to catch the unfortunate creature as he was toppling backwards while trying not to choke on his own blood and...lack of lungs.... “By the Emperor's light! Drive them back brothers!” the librarian bellowed, as he drew his hefted his sword and joined into the melee between Fellwalker and the Kroot chief. The sword he wielded was an ancient piece forged, as legends told, during the height of the Great Crusades, a sword which had been made with the special purpose of being bestowed to those very first brothers which formed the Iron Hands' earliest librarian system. Its blade was wreathed in psychic flame, the sharpened edge crackling with that same psychic lighting and power. Artenius went for a simple stabbing action, it was crude but effective against the simple-minded such as the Kroot. His blow found its mark, stabbing the Kroot through the back, the blade penetrating all the way through to appear outside the alien's stomach at the front. With a spluttering cough as the blade was pulled free from its form, the Kroot collapsed due to the sheer damage that had befallen it. Artenius raised his sword high in his victory over the Xenos, today was most certainly glorious.