Within the city of Cevera known as the city of dreams many strange things occur and in a world filled with fables and legends it makes this city all the more fascinating. Hidden in confines of this wonderful town many secrets move between the people and within the dark shadows of the populace, and though plenty of good resides in Cevera there is plenty of ill within its creases as well. Misfortune, despair, malice all manners of evil that destroy those who seek only to live normal simple lives. These occurrences leave a deep imprint on society, creating mysteries that linger in the city even today, but to those who don't want to turn a blind eye to the shadows that loom over the city, those that seek to find the light within the darkness that lingers in the hearts others, to those who want truth instead of fabricated lies through the mouth of those who seek only the torment of others, lost in their own ways. If this desire is in your heart then seek out the Red Eye for it always watches for those that would still hope from the residents of Cevera. Yasa looked at a poster in his hand his eyes narrowing slightly, a long sigh escaped from him before he dropped it on his mahogany desk. He wrote that pull and even he had to admit it was awful there was even a typo with steal. He didn't even want to think about the horrid responses it got online, people on the internet could be heartless. Leaning back in his chair he rested his shoes on the desk and folded his hands on his lap. The Red Eye Detective Agency, a decrepit building hidden between the alleway of two forgotten stores, the place was hard enough to find that it was almost impossible to locate without knowing just the right person, Yasa figured that was probably a cause for his lack of customers the last few months. The room itself wasn't exactly inviting for those that did enter, dust was everywhere from the small table in the back to the medium sized desk in the front, the two couches in the center of the room had lost their vibrant colors and was now a dull indistinguishable shade, he called it khaki pink. The wilted flowers on the small table between them didn't help matters but he disliked getting up to the water them. His gaze moved to the two doors adjacent to each other on the walls, the right one his room, the other the bathroom which was dirty enough that he went next door when he had to go, he was pretty sure he heard noises in there at night and in a world where monsters exists he wasn't risking opening that door. The fluorescent lighting never worked so the only light in the room was a single lamp on his document littered desk and the open blinds...which couldn't open fully. Thanks to that the room always seemed dim even when it was bright out, his face always in shadow when he sat like this. He wanted coffee but it was on the far table, which had a broken leg, and he wasn't getting up for it. "...really hope this assistant thing works out. I put in that advertisement free room and board...granted it's the couch but still. I'll have to explain the whole no client thing eventually, but at the very least I won't have to get my own coffee for the next few days."