[center][h2][color=black]:-:Scythes:-:[/color][/h2][/center] [color=gray]It's the classic Grim Reaper [url=http://www.fancy-dress-forever.co.uk/shopimages/products/extras/Grim%20Reaper%20Scythe%2024189.jpg]scyth.[/url] Reaper's wield a large scyth which they can summon at whenever a human body of 70% or more soul detachment is near. Reaper's use it to harvest souls, although some say he just touches the person to pop their soul so they don’t feel pain when they die. However, this is a bit challenging to do.[/color] [hr] [center][h2][color=black]:-:Reaper's and human deaths:-:[/color][/h2][/center] [color=gray]Reapers cannot kill humans if their souls are not at at least 70%. However, many humans have sided with the Reapers and can hurt humans for them. Twisted, yes, but they think that they are doing it for a good cause. Reapers usually promise them that they will not take their soul and allow them to live forever. Even though all that means is that they are able to live for about 2 weeks before they slowly begin to rot and [b]go straight to hell.[/b] Reapers [i]can[/i] kill other Reapers without Arklain but instead, using their synths. Secretly, this has been happening when they get in arguments over what is happening in Grim city between humans and Reapers. Collecting a Reaper's soul is a bit painful for other Reaper's. Reapers have a soul and they are to go to a certain place after death. A place meant only for Reapers called Grimlore and what happens after is something that no one knows.[/color] [hr] [center][color=black][h2]:-:Reaper Powers:-:[/h2][/color][/center] [color=gray]Each Reaper was born with up to two special powers whether that is telepathy or creating illusions. Even the child of a Reaper and a human has them. However, these powers do not kill humans. They can assist someone in doing so but killing is still [b]impossible[/b] for humans to do on their own. Some Reaper's were born with quite useless powers that could prove to be practical only in common situations and not very handy for fighting. [/color] [hr] [center][color=black][h2]:-:Reaper soul collecting:-:[/h2][/color][/center] [color=gray]Reapers were born to collect souls. They were born with an [i]urge[/i] to do so that is nearly impossible to dismiss. Collecting a soul gives a Reaper a jolt of power. [i]Strength[/i] that the humans would easily fear. This strength is like a drug and Reapers can easily get addicted but then again, people die everyday so there is no excuse for killing off a human that had a soul that was not ready to leave. Most evil Reapers which are called "Soul thieves" by the humans take souls to rebel against humans but some may do it for that jolt of adrenaline that runs through them.[/color] [hr][hr]