[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/LjtbWOS.png?1[/img][/center] Amir had certainly been right about the Olympus District. Unlike the rest of the city, the place still seemed somewhat peaceful despite everything that was going on. No gangs. No looters. Just an air of peace. It helped that the power was still on here, lighting the streets in a rich golden glow from the streetlights above. The district’s main high-street was no exception and as such, Amir decided to take his jog there. He kept at a steady pace, not wishing to tire himself out too much. In each ear sat a headphone, allowing Amir the pleasure of zoning out all his thoughts into the soothing feeling of the world moving past him and the pleasurable sounds of Beyoncé. It was just what he needed. He could block out the negative thoughts. He could block out [i]him[/i]. As he ran, Amir regularly turned to the shop windows on his left, watching the smiling reflection of himself. He didn’t want to seem egotistical, but he had to admit that he looked good. Better than he felt however. That was when the reflections changed however. One second there was Amir, the dark skinned jogger. The next? Well Amir couldn’t even describe it properly. The thought made him slightly hazing. It was disorientating. Nauseating. The reflection was still there, although he seemed warped. The tentacles was probably the most noticeable thing. They floated dreamily behind him, like tendrils of darkness, with the mere sight of them instilling a slight air of fear to Amir. The reflection’s backdrop was different too. Gone was the peaceful Olympus street and its radiating glow. Now there was only fire and suffering. That wasn’t the worst thing though. No, the worst thing were the eyes. Eyes of an incomparable luminosity. Eyes resembling that of two disastrous black holes, swirling as if they might entrap anyone that got too close. Despite all this though, they were still Amir’s eyes looking back at him. Amir tore his eyes away, darting their attention to his feet. Breathing heavily, he realized that he had stopped walking, his legs feeling somewhat stiff as If he hadn’t moved them in several minutes. How long had he been stood there, staring into the shop window? What it him? Had Cthulhu somehow gotten to him? Shaking away the feeling, Amir readjusted his headphones, letting a loud yet relaxing blast of music to pour into him. He took in one final breath before risking a glance back towards his reflection. He let out a sigh of relief however upon being met with nothing more than just his usual self. “[b]I… I must be going crazy[/b]” He spoke aloud, his voice barely louder than a whisper. His head fell into his hands. He wanted to cry, yet no tears came. Why was this happening to him? Before he had anytime to overthink that particular question, Amir found himself hurtling forward towards the window slightly, the cause of which being a gust of suddenly appearing wind originating from behind him. Turning, Amir caught sight of it. A blur of light moving up the street away from him. His eyes widened even further as that blur seemed to slow in speed, coming to a halt at the end of the road. As it slowed, Amir saw that it was a man. Extremely confused, he watched as this newcomer gazing around at the shop fronts before him. He seemed to let out a short laugh, something which Amir only barely managed to hear from this distance. He opened his mouth to call out to him, when the man vanished, with the blur rocketing straight into the window of a jewellery store. As the alarm immediately began to sound, wailing into the night, Amir realized that this man, despite his superhuman looking abilities, was in no shape or form one of the classic superheroes he had read about as a child, but it would seem that he was actually a villain. A real life supervillain. The thought made his stomach churn. [sub][sub]”[color=purple]Don’t Amir… Let chaos be…[/color]”[/sub][/sub] The voice that suddenly appeared in his head made it even worse. However it made his realize what he had been thinking, and that was that he had to help. He had powers. He could do this. Right? Pulling his hood up over his head, and switching his music to something more upbeat, he charged forwards, a sound of extreme disapproval ringing inside his head.