[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=James%20McNamara&name=LT%20Oksana%20Light%20Italic.ttf&size=40&style_color=FF2929[/img][/center] "Max!" James greeted cheerily, yanking his glasses off as soon as he identified who the newcomer was in one swift movement, a wide grin on his face. Thankfully, the school administration didn't decide to shove him together with someone he hated; which it was known to do on occasion. It was kind of like russian roulette, either you got what you wanted or you died. Okay, so it wasn't the best simile. But that was besides the point. Getting up, he covered the distance between him and his new roommate in a few long strides. James pulled him into sort of a semi-hug that couldn't have lasted more than a second, ending it with a friendly slap on the back. "It's good to see you, mate. How've you been?" "Oh right! I called dibs on the room on the left, by the way. I mean, I've already unpacked and everything. So yeah, hope you don't mind. The rooms are pretty much exactly the same, anyway." James made a dismissive gesture with his hand at the aforementioned room. Surreptitiously slipping the pair of glasses into back into his coat pocket, he brought up the note that was pasted on the room's front door. "They're having the picnic again on Sunday, apparently. Don't know if you saw the note on the door, but yeah." James shrugged and absentmindedly ran his fingers through his hair. The annual picnic was a thing they had every year; as implied by the fact that it was called the annual picnic. Usually, it was just lots of eating and catching up with friends after the holiday break but this year, it seems there was going to be something new -- a dunk tank. It was pretty unexpected, but James honestly wasn't surprised; the Student Council had a way with coming up with something new every year so nobody ever got sick of the same stuff happening over and over again. "Anyway," James started, "We should probably go find the others when you're done unpacking." --- [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=Seth%20Kabhsenuf&name=SmartFrocksNF.ttf&size=50&style_color=E8C517[/img][/center] When he heard someone new walking into the teacher's lounge, Seth made it a point to studiously avoid making eye contact with whoever it was. He was basically trying to blend into the background like some sort of oversized, strangely humanoid chameleon. The last thing he needed right now was for even more people to see him faffing about whilst looking like a person close to death. Honestly, his coffee dependency was quickly spiralling out of control. Stirring his cup of miserably lukewarm coffee until the last of the sugar dissolved, Seth was interrupted when he spotted a hand out of the corner of his eye. Deciding that simply ignoring it would be a rude and hilariously stupid thing to do, he looked up from the coffee. Standing in front of him was a blonde woman, maybe about twenty-five years old if he had to guess. He had no idea who she was, well, at least up until she introduced herself. The name was vaguely familiar, if his memory was correct, she used to teach literature at Caelbury before taking a break because of personal reasons. Abruptly remembering that he was probably meant to shake the hand that was offered to him, he quickly set the coffee down and shook it. "Ah, right. I'm Seth. Seth Kabhsenuf." He introduced himself, even managing to muster what he hoped was a polite smile. Though he was pretty sure it was nothing compared to hers. How anyone could so chirpy in the morning would remain forever beyond his comprehension. "And, uh, we haven't. Met, that is. I only started teaching here last year. I heard you teach Literature too?"