[hider=Aiden] [center][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/31/20/b6/3120b60933648e47bd98418d6577bd0a.jpg[/img] [url=http://kpopselca.com/selca/45215_lee-chi-hoon-3.jpg]Alt. image 1[/url] [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/a6/3d/8f/a63d8f9d69a5841882852d90f8ddad24.jpg]Alt. image 2[/url] [/center] [b][color=#AC58FA]Name:[/color][/b] Aiden Derrick Lee [b][color=#AC58FA]Age:[/color][/b] 18 [b][color=#AC58FA]Indepth Appearance:[/color][/b] Aiden's complexion greatly hints at his nationality. His skin is a pale white, and his height is a bit above the average asian, 'towering' at 5"8' and weighs at about 149 pounds. His skin can be attributed to his preference of staying indoors, as he just likes to listen to music or read. His hair is long and messy, usually left disheveled and hanging as he doesn't care too much about his appearance. His clothing also parallels his disinterest about his appearance, he normally dons a t-shirt, covered by any jacket he can get his hands on. This is complimented by the ashen jeans he wears. He also has one piercing on his left ear, and an array of different bracelets on his hands. The most constant thing about his apperance are his headphones that is either on his head or hanging lazily on his neck. [b][color=#AC58FA]Personality[/color][/b] Aiden is, for lack of better word, uninspired. The coming and goings around him during school has left him lazy and unmotivated. From the teachers, his parents and even his friends urging him to plan for his future and the like. If the conversation veers towards what his future aspirations are, he tends to dip out of the conversation as he himself doesn't fully know. Aside from this he still maintains a good GPA in his subjects, maintaining a 'straight A' status quo. He also has a sort of loathing towards bullying of any kind (although he thinks cyberbullying is kinda silly) and will usually try and stand up for the person, even at the behest of him being targeted. Socially, he tries to remain aloof and distant, but that's not to say he won't be friends with anyone, usually only placing a cold front because of his past. Once you get to know him you can find a loyal and friendly demeanor. One of his flaws, or strengths, depending on how you interpret it, is his blunt honesty. For better or for worse, he will tell you what he observes. Be it how rude you are being, or how you can improve on something, despite he himself having no experience in his suggestions. This had led to him being renounced as rude and generally 'mean'. He does this with the best intentions bordering on naive innocence. Aiden is extremely fond of music, not havng a particular preference to any genres and listening to mostly everything. Music also usually calms him down, and he won't leave the house without his signature headphones. Also for some odd reason, he can easily placate and clam even the most raging child to a lulling smile. [b][color=#AC58FA]Backstory[/color][/b] Aiden's mother and father were originally from South Korea, but the land of oppurtunities called out to them, and soon Aiden found himself in America, moving to and fro willy nilly. Because of the constant moving, he couldn't hold on to any friends and as such, he tends to be aloof and distant because he had hurt many people who became close friends with him but moving away to another state soon after the bonds were made. Initially though, his accent, complexion and stature made him stand out and was even the target of some bullies because of his asian descent. This was also partly the reason why he stayed cold and distant, and why he developed a sort of loathing towards bullies. A few more years, and he soon lost his accent and he had grown a bit taller, earning him some affection from the girls who also found it hard to approach him. Now staying at one state and with his father promising that this was [i]the[/i] state, North Carolina and would not move, Aiden found himself creating strong bonds with a small group of friends slowly, eventually turning into his closest friends. [b][color=#AC58FA]Future Plans[/color][/b] *Plans to do something in the scientific field, particularly Forensics. [b][color=#AC58FA]Likes/Dislikes[/color][/b] [i]Likes:[/i] *Music arts *Science *Cooking *Reading *Straightforward and honest people [i]Dislikes[/i] *Bullying of any kind *Closemindedness *Ignorance [b][color=#AC58FA]Other[/color][/b] [hider=Aiden's relation sheet.] ✧ ("Close Friend") ♡ ("Could Be Something More ~") Characters: |✧| Elizabeth - "I'll be damned if her complexion couldn't rival Asians." Aiden's initial impressions of Elizabeth was that she was annoying and pity-giving, he cynically thought of it as mocking and took no heed. Well over the years she had managed to tear down his walls, even though he wanted to stay distant for fear off moving, she persisted and persisted and eventually Aiden unconsciously found himself talking to her. She still annoys him though. Especially when she rips his headphones off to talk to him/wear it. |✧| Theo - "Reminds me of a really [i]lanky[/i] Yao Ming... What? That's not racist." He was more distant than Aiden, and that's saying something. He's even further introverted than that, being asocial to the point where he doesn't try to hide he dislikes someone. Aiden is glad to not be on that end. Other than that he's a good friend to have around and is very... very competitive, in games specifically. Aiden had personally tried his games and he personally enjoyed it despite the flaws. |✧| Alyx - "Well, people view her as the stereotypical 'bratty and annoying' popular kid. I'll tell you right now, it's more than that." Her walls scale higher up than Aiden, and his walls were pretty tall. He can sympathize to a degree with her, even though the walls he built around himself were vastly different from hers. Even though she and Aiden are different, with her preferring to be in the spotlight and Aiden wanting to skirt the outside of the lights, he feels a sort of kindred bond. The feminine wiles she puts up can easily be seen through by Aiden, and so many people his grade fall for it, it's almost funny to him. |✧| Sophie - "This girl can be bundled up to; Energetic yet awkward pun making machine." Aiden likes the finer arts, and reading is one of them. Aiden personally likes her writing style, and usually tries to convince her to let him read her works. He is actually quite surprised for not being the shortest of the group despite being Asian, with him being slightly taller than the girls. Other than that he tends to get along quite well with Sophie, although he noticed an odd thing about her, once there was a massive argument in their little clique, with Aiden and Liz mediating, out of the corner of his eye he noticed her skirting away from the shouting. Aiden has also gotten her signature on a notepad, a future investment if you will. |✧| Roslyn - "I think she the only person that can rival Sophie's energy." He thinks she can be ditzy and distracted at times, easily moving from one thing to the next, despite having already placed alot of effort in the last thing. Her energy, much like Sophie, can actually tire out Aiden to the point where he just listens to his music. Unlike him, and much like the other people in his personal clique, she has talent, specifically in drawing. He really believes his group to be a bundle of talent, with him being the sole exception. |✧| Loki - "The prejudice surrounding this dude is beyond me, man how close minded are people." The overprotective sibling of Roslyn, with Aiden even noticing how very protective Loki is. He wants to tell him to lighten up and relax, but he keeps his mouth shut for now, maybe in the future. Aiden has personally interfered with the poking at his gender, because usually they would end in bloody fist fights or words being slung back and forth. Aiden really doesn't care much for a person's past, and lives in the now, so he's cool with Loki. |✧| Callum - "If I could give him a title, it'd be 'the Pioneer.'" He and Aiden share the same disposition of bullying, he's seen Cal intervening with bullies before, giving Aiden a very good impression of him. Aside from that, he's the second most annoying that Aiden ranks. He's not afraid to state his opinion, and it's usually stated [i]very loudly.[/i] He's also fairly unobservant, unable to pick up on ques when people are sad or angry, only ever getting it if it's very very obvious. One of the things Aiden heavily dislikes are the constant, endless slew of pranks. With him even accidently breaking one of his headphones in one of them. He tries to stay away from his pranks. [/hider] [/hider]