Lucretia squinted her eyes, watching the sun slowly rise over the blue edge of the ocean. This was, most certainly, the earliest she had ever woken up in her life. She had chosen to wake up so early specifically to see the sunrise, as a sort of good-luck charm for her upcoming… endeavor? Her adventure? She still hadn’t decided what to call it -- whatever it was, it was going to be something [i]grand.[/i] ...That sun really was bright, wasn’t it? Maybe she could have afforded to sleep in an hour or two, after all. Well, no time for regrets! Now was more the time for action! Now was also, perhaps more pressingly, the time to sneak away before her parents (or her [i]sister…[/i]) woke up. She pulled her legs up, standing on the edge of Savaronitelle Manor’s roof. For one last time, she surveyed the grounds, enjoying the feeling of superiority that standing on a tall object gave her. “Ms. Lucretia? What are you doing up there?” ...Oh dear. Their butler had seen her. Lucretia scowled. Just her luck… “What business is it of yours?” she asked. “This is my parents’ property, I can go wherever I please!” The old manservant scratched his beard. “Of course it is, madam,” he said, “But it’s not like you to be up so early. Is something the matter?” Lucretia’s scowl faded, replaced with a certain hesitance. She paused a moment. “How did you even know I was up here? I was doing my best to be hidden…” The butler pointed a gloved hand to the extended ladder that Lucretia had set up against the wall of the manor. “Oh,” Lucretia said. Sighing a bit, she climbed down the ladder, turning to look at the butler. “Well? It’s not a [i]crime[/i] to be out this early, is it?” “Er-- no, but-” Lucretia smirked, sensing that she had the advantage. “Go back inside. I hate interruptions like this - you’re spoiling my sunrise!” The butler, nodded, sensing that his job could be on the line here, and hurried back inside without a word further. Lucretia watched him go inside, before looking back up at the manor. She had thought before that she might feel homesick - but she didn’t. The only thing she felt right now was a steely resolve. “...Hmph… when I come back here, you’ll see.” Without another word, she turned away, walking out of the front gate of their mansion. She didn’t look back… if only because she was distracted by the strange sight of a rocket-propelled dinghy flying through the air down in Loguetown proper. And crashing. Into some building. “...!” Not wasting any time, Lucretia took off, running at full bore down the hill and into Loguetown - beelining straight for the crash site.