[quote=@Luminosity] [url=http://fantasynamegenerators.com]Fantasy Name Generator[/url] is a pretty cool site if anyone needs to come up with a name. They have all Elder Scrolls races under the pop culture section. [/quote] With stuff like Elder Scrolls, I figure out what the influencing race is of a character (Bretons tend to have English and French names, Imperials Roman/ Latin, Nords Scandinavian, Redguards Moorish), look up a baby name and surname list for those cultures, and away we go. Elves, khajiit, argonians, and orcs are a bit trickier, but usually I just look at what names exist already off of the Elder Scrolls wiki for character names, and either pick or alter names I find there, or see if there's a trend and build off of it. A lot of altmer women's names, for instance, end with wen or wyn, orc names have a lot of harsh sounding vowels like bru or gok, and khajiit tend to have sharper ones like kha or ko along with the prefix, which does mean something.