The patrons of the shop all stared flabbergasted at their new arrival, some looking back in disbelief at the hole where once stood solid wall. Nose Ring, however, had quickly gone from stunned to beside himself. Stomping up to Zehst and forcibly prodding him with a long, bony finger. "Where the HELL do you get off, interrupting our business!?" He said loudly, prodding Zehst with his finger at every enunciation. "This is the SECOND line of bullshit I've had to deal with in the past five minutes! Can't a guy shake down an old man in PEACE!?" Meanwhile, along his walk through the city streets, Scabbard had come across the site of the grisly murder of a poor cabbage cart. "....Woah, what?...." He slowly approached a nearby cabbage on the ground and picked it up, staring at it with tired, sad eyes. "....Dude...." He quietly mused to himself mournfully as he took a bite out of it. "Who's got, like,...a veggie vendetta?...."