Imagine, if you will, a city with skyscrapers that reach the clouds and streets that are always lined with cars and people going about their day to day errands. A dockyard importing and exporting cargo by boat to various destinations, and fishing boats rocking back and forth at the docks. A city where you can shop to your hearts content, win big or lose it all. An industrial section where cars go to be reborn or sent to the scrapheap. A place where you can dance your heart out in the grand nightclubs or put it through intense exercise at a gym. And all that is in a city fit for a king (figuratively). Now imagine, if you will, a city that gets a bit quieter at night, a city that though still has the surge of the nightlife, is silent, without a cry in the night or a gunshot blazing through the alleys. Wanna know why you don't hear that...the answer is pretty simple. It's because [b]THEY[/b] are watching. For years, these groups kept their streets clean and make sure the people living in their territory were safe, happy and free. And they make sure anyone that dare try to disrupt that peace or put their people in danger, get their fucking face beaten the hell in. Welcome to Meridia, new blood. From this point forward, you're down with whoever you pledge your loyalty to, so make sure to keep your territory spic and span, your nose clean and you stay out of trouble...or there will be trouble. And if worse comes to worse, you better make sure you know how to hold your own, or this city will eat you alive. So enjoy your stay here in Meridia, because this place is going to change you, for better or worse. [hider=Character Sheet] So, who the hell are you and why are you here? Let's find out. Name: Appearance: Personality: Gang: Job: Bio: Reason for coming to Meridia: Other Skills: Weaknesses: [/hider] [hider=The Districts] If you're gonna live here, you need to get to know the areas, so let's get started. [color=00aeef]The Meridia Docks-Welcome to the salty air and clear blue waters of the Meridia docks, here you will find the Williamson Shipping and Import company, responsible for the importing and exporting of cargo and valuables, like that phone you probably have right now. Also here is the Salty Sam's fishing warehouse and seafood, responsible for the cleaning and prepping of fish to be bought by the public. And if neither of that is too your liking there is always the Funny Sun Amusement Park, always good for a laugh or a nice chili dog. But if you know (or with) the right people, you will find out this place is totally different at night. (More will be explained in the Gangs Section.) [/color] [color=9e0b0f]West Meridia-Shopping District Welcome to the Meridia Shopping District, new blood. Here you will find the finest of stores in one of the biggest malls of America, the Metroplex. If you need to get some new threads, some jewelry or pick up the latest video-game, go here. Or if you're not a fan of malls (fair enough) you can find other mom and pop shops around to suit your needs like Larry's clothing emporium, Mick's gamehub, Speedy's Shoe House or Rough Diamond jewelers. Not only that, but you will also find the most delicious foods in the Hanzo Hibachi grill, The Gilded Lobster (be prepared to pay), and Genji's Ramen Stand. Or savor that sweet tooth at SweetBread Bakery, home of the cinnaswirl cake, try it. It's really fucking good. And after you're done eating, why not try your luck at the hottest casino in Meridia, the Dueling Dragons casino?! Slot machines and poker tables as far as the eye can see. But be ready to win some and lose some. But like I said before, appearances can be deceiving, for this place takes on a whole new light at night (Further explanation in the Gangs Section.)[/color] [color=39b54a]South Meridia-Club District Here is where the nightlife come to celebrate and live it up, new blood. Here you will find the hottest clubs and joints to shake what your mama gave ya, or just hang at the bar and pretend to be cool, your call. But one of the hottest joints to get down is at the Hot Foot lounge. Booming tunes, tasty drinks, spectacular light shows and a welcoming atmosphere tells you that you are going to have a hell of a time to tell the others tomorrow morning, if you can get rid of the hangover that is. Also make sure to keep an eye out, never know what this place could hide. (More expla-you get the picture now.) [/color] [color=f26522]Meridia Industrial District- "Junker" District Contrary to popular belief, this place isn't all that bad. Its a very homey place to a plethora of helpful and caring individuals that are willing to assist you or have pleasant conversation. And the service at the auto shops is incredible as well. Get your brake-lights fixed or get that new diesel engine you've been having your eye on. Or if your current ride is on its last legs, take it to the Wreckers junkyard for some quick cash, you'll be fine. You can take the bus anyways, heh he heh. Or spend some of that cash to get a tasty big burger or a nice bowl of chili at Clara's diner. The 1960s diner look is still in, if you could believe it.[/color] [color=f7941d]Meridia Downtown District With the level brick buildings and small market stores, this is where the people of meridia can just buy some snacks, stroll through the park, jog and get that blood pumping or pump some good old iron at the Iron Heart Gym. Rumors say that a legendary wrestler runs the gym but it's all rumor and hearsay, so I wouldn't delve deeper into it. No. Seriously. Don't or you might find what you're looking for. Got it? Good. [/color] So with the tour now completed I just have this to say, are you ready to run with your gang, new blood? Because its now time to see who you are gonna run with. [/hider] [hider=The Gangs] Okay new blood, you can't rep for a gang if you don't belong to one. So now its time for you to get familiar with the gangs of Meridia. So don't get nervous, okay? [color=00aeef]The Knuckle Dusters Leader: Jackie "The Twister" Ryan Home Turf: Meridia Docks/Eastern District Fighting Style-Boxing (Bare Knuckle) Emblem: Light Blue Boxing Glove Now at first glance, their light blue golf caps and white sweaters with the three signature light blue stripes going horizontal on the shirt and rolled up sleeves may make them look a bit...nerdy would be the word, right? But yeah, you better be thinking twice, because you probably won't be thinking at all after they knock you senseless for insulting their uniform. These guys that make their base at the dock warehouse take pride in their clothes like they take their pride in hard work and helping their fellow man, and these ideals were put into them by their leader, Jackie "The Twister" Ryan. Why is he nicknamed "The Twister" you ask? Because his bread and butter punch, the Twister Hook, will send your ass spinning through the air like a top taking flight and you'll hit the ground...hard. Or if that doesn't put fear in your soul, you better be wary of going against any of them. Because if you make a mistake or an opening, their lightning jabs and fierce straights will put your lights out for a good long while, so don't be stupid. But if you manage to survive three rounds with Jackie, and become a part of their gang, you will become family to them, looking after one another and living life as strong-willed individuals that will do what's good for their turf. And you will not be judged by sex, because all have the potential to become Knuckle Dusters.[/color] [color=9e0b0f]The Scarlet Dragons Leader: Wang-Shi Home Turf: West Meridia-Shopping District Emblem: Scarlet Dragon Fighting Style: Martial Arts With their ideals of Honor, Discipline and Respect, this gang resides at their headquarters, underneath the Dueling Dragons casino. This group of fierce fighters make a living working at the casino and the various shops around town, but when their turf comes under attack, they strike with a flurry of quick kicks and punches to take out the threat efficiently. But they always do it with a bow, to show respect to their opponent before they whoop that ass. Their leader, Wang-Shi, believes in the three ideals and makes sure to teach them to his underlings, one way or another. And by another, I mean new recruits he whips into shape with his martial arts. Now, don't think for a second you have a chance against this guy who looks like he is going on 69, because you'll realize your mistake just as you wake up tasting rubber mat. And if you manage join with them, you will become part of a tight-knit group, ready to protect their own and their home. Oh and by the way, if you drop by to say hi to Wang-Shi, make sure you have some tea. Preferably green tea, it's his favorite.[/color] [color=39b54a]The Fierce Dancers Leader: Sly Home: South Meridia-Club District Fighting Style: Capoeria Emblem: Flaming Foot These guys are the life of the party. Their smiles and dancing always brighten up the dance floor and makes the party even better. They thrive on making money by making folks happy at the clubs, and with their optimism, charm and sick moves, it's not much of a problem for them. But god help you if you decide to piss them off, because if their smiles go away, then you better start praying that you go out like a light quickly, because the ensuing beatdown by their rhythmic kicks and spins will be painful. But if you managed to beat their leader, Sly in a dance off of fists and feet and join with this gang of cool cats, you'll be the life of the party too alongside them. Oh, and the free drinks at their base, The Hot Foot ain't bad neither. [/color] [color=f26522]The Wreckers Leader: Lucas Home: Industrial District-The Wrecker Scrapyard Fighting Style: Street-Fighting Emblem: Wrench The Wreckers run the Industrial District, making their living fixing up and upgrading old and busted rides into better and faster ones. But when they aren't fixing up engines and changing oil, they spend their time in their scrapyard, honing their skills against one another, to toughen them for whatever might come their way to disrupt their quiet and cozy home. And they will use whatever to solve the problem quickly, from their on hand tools to walls and beer bottles, they aren't above anything to end a fight. Even low blows, they love low blows. Just ask their leader, Lucas, and he'll tell you or show you his most dangerous attack, the jewel crush combo with a kick. Trust me, its pretty damn painful. But if you can take him on and survive, you're in. And when you're in, you will be rolling alongside a suprisingly good group of folks who though polite on the outside, can be pretty damn nasty on the inside, just like their rides. Also you get half-price on all car repairs, upgrades, whatever. Just saying. [/color] [color=f7941d]The Tombstones Leader: Thomas "Tombstone" Toomes Home: Meridia Downtown District-The Iron Heart Gym Emblem: Tombstone The tombstones are a bit abrasive at first glance, and some glares will probably make you a bit uneasy as well. But they have honor and dignity within their soul from their upbringing, as well as from their leader, the retired wrestler of a past era, Thomas "The Tombstone" Toomes. They will whip you into shape at their base of operations, The Iron Heart Gym, or they will just whip you for messing with their turf. Either way, they do well with both, especially the latter. Their penchant for grapples, body slams and powerful strikes will either send you away with a few missing teeth, or heading to Mercy hospital with a real mean headache. But if you can survive ten minutes in the ring with a legend, you'll come away with a nice golden belt and a group of strong and brave people who will use their skills to keep their home running smoothly.[/color] Alright, so you now know the folks that run this city. Now its your time to choose who you run with, so don't waste their time now, alright? [/hider] [hider=Territory "Maintenance"] Okay, you joined your gang and now you think you're ready to patrol your turf right? Not really. Before that, you gotta know what to do to make sure your territory is nice and neat, understand? Good, now listen as I tell you how to make sure your turf [b]STAYS[/b] nice and neat. Crime Ironically, the gangs have very legal and fair business enterprises and make their money honestly. But there are those that will try dishonest or even heinous ways to make a quick buck, whether that be breaking into another person's house, or threatening someone for some quick dough with a knife. You see any activity in your turf, you make sure you take care of it, right then and there. Its your home and you certainly don't want these assholes ruining it, now do you? Work If you're gonna make your mark on your turf, you gotta put in work. No, I'm serious, you really gotta work for your cash. You're not gonna be selling dope on the street or something like that, you're gonna pull your weight at the jobs provided in your territory. So get to work and make that paper, otherwise its hand-me-downs and ramen noodles for you, got it? Wear Your Emblem Make sure you have your Emblem with you at all times, its an identifier for your fellow gang members and required for a Throw-Down. (More Explanation in Throw-Down section.) Crossing into other turfs Now this may sound tricky, but it isn't. Sometimes you're gonna need to go somewhere else to get what you need and you might have to go into another turf, so remember, keep your nose clean. And by that, you make sure you don't cause no trouble and there will be no trouble, sound good? Cops The gangs are the cops, 'nuff said. So now you know the ins and outs of territory "maintenance" and now you're ready to live here. But learning about the turf and gangs should prepare you for when you have to encounter another from a rival gang, so let's get to that shall we? [/hider] [hider= The "Throw-Down"] So now we reach my favorite part of the tour, the moment when two opposing gang members meet to protect their turf, the Throw-Down. Now let me get this out of the way, anything goes in a Throw-Down....well kinda. Let me explain about that "kinda" part. No Killing Yeah yeah, I said anything goes, but you get respect more when you let your opponent live. And it allows them to learn a harsh lesson about messing with you or your gang. Also, killing has been forbidden in Throw-Downs since the fight of Berserk and Stretch in 71, where Berserk, from the Tombstones and Stretch, from the Scarlet Dragons fought. Then things took a horrific turn when Berserk flew into a rage, grabbed Stretch's legs, slammed him around like a ragdoll and then proceeded to cave in Stretch's skull. But Berserk didn't end up any better when the Scarlet Dragons retaliated and made Berserk disappear off the face of the earth, and the Tombstones didn't bat an eye for him, because he was obviously in the wrong. And those who witnessed this terrible fight will have that graphic image engraved in their minds forever, especially Wang-Shi. So no one ever mentions the Throw-Down of 71 to him, and you better not either, alright? No Guns Sorry if you like your pistol that you got as an heirloom from your grandfather who was in the great second war, but you're not going to be using it anytime soon, because in Throw-Downs, its no guns allowed. No exceptions. This city ain't ready for another '83. And no, I ain't telling you what the fuck went down in '83, you ask Stats at the Iron Heart about that. Besides....I still get nightmares about the fires and gunfights. Drop your Emblem Now, your emblem, which is on a hankerchief (its nice alright) is your mark, your sign that you belong to your gang. So when two rival gang members meet for a Throw-Down, you both throw down your emblem to show where you both belong to. And when you win, you take back your Emblem and the loser goes home without theirs, leaving on the site of where they lost. The losing emblem makes a nice monument as well as creating a cautionary tale for those that think they could mess around in your turf. Also, you lose three emblems in a row, you goin' down a rank, and I sure as hell know you don't want to lose your new rank you got just a few days ago, right? So don't lose. [/hider] So now with all the t's crossed and i's dotted, you are now ready (for real) to live here in Meridia and join a gang to protect whatever place you decide to call home. So get cozy, you'll be fine. Well...not too cozy mind you. I've been hearing rumors...about some new corporation coming into town. Metatron or something like that. I asked Stats to dig up some info and...I ain't liking what I'm seeing. Three towns this corporation made their mark in now look like something from a dystopian fiction. Aldendale, Varden and Whetstone are all corralled, controlled and if unruly...silenced. By who, I don't know. Stats says that the CEO, Warren Watts has a secret task force to do his bidding. And even worse, I've been hearing about gangs wanting to expand, whether the others allow them or not. And now the leaders are going to be meeting up at the top of Eliza tower to discuss about these rumors and hopefully squash them so things can go back to normal. So, please keep it cool and defend your turf, because now, you'll never know what's gonna happen.