Here we are. Name: Cayce Ward Age: 11 Personality: Lighthearted and quick to laugh, but also strong willed and quite brave for her age. Has an active imagination and an overzealous sense of curiosity. History: Though strong of spirit, Cayce's body has always been a frail one. Her life up to this point has been spent in a hospital nearly as much as it has out. Cayce lives alone with her over-worrisome single father, who has isolated her from the outside world out of a misguided desire to protect her. As a result, Cayce has very few friends outside of her constant companion, a saint bernard named Prince. Likes: Fairy tales and stories, sweets, learning new things Dislikes: wide open spaces, bad guys, peas Appearance: Pale skinned and deathly thin, Cayce has dark hair that hangs to her waist and gray eyes. Anything she wears seems to hang off of her ill fittingly due to her unnaturally bony and slender frame. Cayce must sometimes rely on assistance on days when she is weaker, so will occasionally be seen with a cane or even a wheelchair, though she hates to use either. Dream Appearance: N/A