[hider=Theo Jin] [center][img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7i2z8xD4h1qi2j4po1_500.jpg[/img][/center] [center][url=http://john.do/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/87862-song-jae-rim.jpg]Alt image 1[/url][/center] [center][url=https://41.media.tumblr.com/d5410a755bf94f741cc37cbca282ab43/tumblr_npt7itRtq41unss4to2_500.jpg]Alt image 2[/url][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Theodore "Theo" Jin [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Indepth Appearance[/b]: Theo is tall and lanky, standing at 6'2" and is at the cusp of being under weight at 144 lbs.His long, slightly wavy hair is often tied into a bun while his bangs hang loose and frame his angular face. His eyes are a warm brown, his nose thin and lips full and pale. He often dresses stylishly loose tops like tank tops or sweaters and tight pants. His palette tends towards dark and grey, with some greens and blues. His feet are often clad in a weathered pair of old ratty converses that are covered in doodles and splashes of color. [b]Personality:[/b] Theo is a level-headed, slightly cold, but ultimately well-intentioned in his dealings. Slightly neurotic, Theo is extremely self-depreciating, often beating himself up in his head and annoying his friends by how much he puts himself down. This also manifests in episodes of odd behavior and movements. He's also extremely blunt and snarky towards everyone, though less so towards those he likes or respects and down right abusive towards those he dislikes. When not curled up in a corner trembling, breathing unevenly, and berating himself Theo enjoys drawing, video games and cooking. Much of his free time is spent bent over a sketch pad or graphic tablet, drawing and sketching characters, scenery and the like. Despite his personality, Theo quite enjoys action games and is fairly competent at most games. As for cooking, Theo was raised in a Chinese resturant, but he is capable of making many styles of food. [b]Backstory:[/b] Son of two restaurant owners, Theo was often picked on as a child due to his race and the occupations of his parents. Often giving back as good as he got, he developed a sense of inadequacy in respect to the other individuals in his small town, not in regards to his parents but towards himself. He never seemed to fit the what his parents' vision of a perfect son, despite them never bringing up the subject or ever acting as if he was a disappointment. He internalized that he was a failure, and has yet to truly to escape that feeling. Eventually, he became friends with the group. This was a changing moment for him, as he began coming out of his shell for the first time in years. Finally able to feel like something more than an abject failure, Theo would do anything for his friends. [b]Future Plans:[/b] Theo plans to attend an art school and study game design and illustration. [b]Likes:[/b] [list] [*] Rock (Favorite Bands and artists- Sabaton, Imagine Dragons, Silversun Pickups, Green Day, Hozier, Nightwish) [*] Drawing [*] Literature [*] Spicy foods [*] Foreign cultures [/list] [b]Dislikes:[/b] [list] [*] Pretentiousness [*] Being looked down on [*] Ignorant people [*] Illogical actions [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Addicted to his computer and always carries his laptop and charger wherever he goes. [/hider] [hider=Theo's relationships] |✧| Elizabeth - "A light, even in the darkest of nights." | "Elixabeth's kinda like a pizza. Enough to make one person happy and satisfied, or to feed and draw a group of people together." One of the few people capable of calming Theo down during one of his fits, Elizabeth acts as a sort of lifeline for the young man. When he first met the girl, during Home Ec class, he had scowled and cut into her verbally, how dare she act as if he wasn't aware of her cruelty. A cruelty that never existed, a figment of paranoia and resignation. Given time however, she broke down his walls, provinng him wrong and confusing him on what someone like her saw in someone like him. Nonetheless, he enjoyed the companionship she provided, even as his conciousness screamed that he leave her. Ignoring the voices is difficult, and has led to more than one breakdown that Eliazbeth managed to calm. In turn, he notices how she acts when parents are mentioned, and is always ready to grill a burger or bake a pizza and banter to help her forget her problems for a little while. He has yet to lose his sense of inferiority, but even in the most bleakest of nights, she's there like the sunrise chasing away the dark. |✧| Aiden - "A good guy to bounce ideas off of, and someone who can be as blunt to me as I can with others." | "Just like kimchi, Aiden's a bit sour, kinda salty but okay once you ge used to it." Aiden is Theo's go to guy when it comes to games. One of the few Asians in the area, Theo met the other Asian through his parents. Theo felt for the guy, having gone through a similar situation as a child. He was one of the few people Theo approached as a friend on his own volition, and relishes their interactions. It was through these interactions that Theo truly began to cook, learning how to make Korean dishes as well as Chinese. Due to their similarities, Theo often agrees with Aiden offering concurrent opinions and bouncing ideas off of each other. Theo knows that Aiden sees him as a sort of negative role model, and he's fine with that, he wouldn't wish his issues on anyone else. True, they've butt heads on their opinions of games and making kimchi stinks up his room for weeks, but he wouldn't have it any other way. They're similar on the surface, but Theo knows that Aiden's darkness is capable of dissipating eventually. |✧| Alyx - "Can't say I thought much of her in the beginning. Now? A peer, someone who understands, though her like of twizzlers continues to confuse me." Alyx is one of those person's that he would have made cry if he hadn't gotten to know here. If Elizabeth hadn't become friends with her, she and Theo would probably be mortal enemies. It's because of her that he thinks twice before judging people based on their appearances. He understands her feelings of inadequency, and sympathizes with her. To him, she deals with her feelings better than he does, at least she didn't used to spend countless lunch periods in the bathroom in a fetal posistion crying and cursing himself. The first time he saw her walls fall, he was honestly shocked and honestly regretful. He relishes the time that her walls drop, and like how he helps the others he is always ready an willing to make her favorite dish and offer a person to tallk to. He likes to think they have a mutual repspect as artists and sympathy as fellow self-loathers. |✧| Sophie - "Creative, awkward, and an absolutely terrible human being for all the puns she makes." | "M&M cookies fit her, colorful, sweet and warm." Theo enjoys Sophie's presence. Her sunny personality contrasts with his dark anf dreary thoughts, and injects a welcome distraction into his day. It's because of her that his family resturant has begun to smell of cookies and other sweets, hust as it's Elizabeth's friendship introduced the hissing sound of a grill amongst the the woks and steamers. He understands her reluctance during internal strife, as his own walls are a more aggressive form on neutrality by insulting everyone equally. He may groan, snark, and belittle at her awkwardness and puns, but he does it less intesity than with others. He enjoys her bubbly creativity, and enjoys bouncing ideas with her. He enjoys her works, and thoroughly critiques her works while working on illustrations for her. He draws on his vast repertoire of literary and video game tropes and plots to point out when oversights or cliches in her stories.He also pushes her to keep her deadlines, helping her keep track of dates and other things while she's lost in her thoughts. And when she comes down from the clouds of thought, Theo always makes sure there's M&M cookies waiting for her |✧| Roslyn - "Like Elizabeth, the life of our group though I wish that she wasn't so flighty." | "I guess that I'd call Roslyn a makizushi roll. A fragile outer layer, a layer of innocent white, and a surprise center filled with almost any ingrediant imaginable." Theo worried about Roslyn the moment he laid eyes on her in the art room. He had called her an airhead mentally, and was not at all surprised that he was right. What he didn't anticipate was her [i]eternal entusiasm[/i], which rubbed him the wrong way initially. Why did she get to be happy and comfortable, while he wallowed in self-hatred? Slowly though, she inserted herself into his life as a new constant, a friend. He's not really sure how it happened, but eventually they began having conversations that went beyond "What do you think of this color scheme" and "How did you drop an open water bottle into a box of plaster strips?". Their relationship grew, to the point that Theo's insults began to decrease in their frequency and caustic quality. He still occasionally calls her "airhead" or , more sarcastically, "cinammon roll" (huzzah for The Onion). He worries about her, not as much as her brother, but as much as he worries for everyone else in his little group. Whenever Roslyn needs someone to talk to, he's always there ready with his bamboo makisu and nori. |✧| Loki - "... I feel that the only reason he stands my snarking is because of Roslyn and the fact that I make chocolate cake for him." | "Probably the most labor intensive of my friend's favorite foods, I feel that it kinda fits our friendship. The ingerdients need to be measured, eggs have to be broken, but you still have to let time run it's course." Theo is pretty sure Loki didn't take his snarky behavior well when they first met. The other boy is similar to himself, he recognizes the external signs when his words hit to deep. They had met through Roslyn, a natural consequence of their friendship. Theo's pretty sure he pressed some buttons with his constant snarking, but he hadn't expected to get into a fight with the other boy. It was only by the intervention of Roslyn and a peace offering of a chocolate cake that they're relationship became positive.Though the roots of their issues were different, Theo feels a connection with the conflicted boy. The self-doubt, the loathing, the alienation, all familiar and unwanted but constant. Theo could honestly care less about Loki's identity, he's a friend and that's all that matters and anyone who gives him grief quickly finds themselves under a verbal assault by Theo. |✧| Callum - "I'm not even sure how the hell I stand him at times." | "Caution, Callum, like Chile con Carne, may cause indigestion, high blood pressure and frustration. Approach with an open mind" If someone told Theo that he would have a friend like Callum, he would have laughed and called them delusional. Yet, here he is, friends with the pig-headed and atmosphere-blind jokester. He began the relationship belittling Callum constantly, annoyed by his thick skin and childish personality. Now, the insults have evolved into their current form of chiding the young man for his childishness and simple mindedness. He is still annoyed by Callum occasionally, but he no longer feels extreme anger and frustration towards the boy. He may not be the most understanding of people, but at least he's reasonably competant and willing to play video games. Callum wouldn't have been Theo's first choice of friend, but he's still a friend who accepts him. [/hider]