I like the concept of RNG. RNG shouldn't be involved with stuff like backstabbing a blind and deaf cripple, but with a lot of monster species, who knows? Maybe they could have chitin plating that we don't notice, so the sword just randomly breaks. Makes situations risker and generally more realistic since there's more uncertainty to everything that happens. [quote=@Rune_Alchemist] Or if I set up a blow that someone shouldn't realistically be able to dodge - like say shooting them in the face at point blank range...how would someone realistically dodge that, even if a dice said they do? Does the gun suddenly not work, despite it being kept in probably excellent condition? [/quote] Gun misfires (whoops), a god/spirit blessed it with an invincible face but everything else is weak and floppy. A lot of old flintlocks can randomly explode, or just not work if it gets moist. Flint can just break and refuse to not work. Gunpowder can get on your hands and ignite. The way I see it, RNG just replaces a sadist, making it so we can randomly succeed.