"How about you mind your own fucking business?" the boy shot back. "You wanna be a knight in shining armor, huh? Well why don't you ask your precious 'Lady' if you-" "Shut it, asshole," the girl suddenly snapped, before turning to Yuri, "and you, what the [i]fuck[/i] do you think you're doing? Bitch, I [i]want[/i] to fight! Anything that gives me a chance to cave this feckers head in." The other students accompanying the two promptly agreed and started to boo Yuri. They wanted to see this fight, and in their eyes, he was trying to kill their fun. Not to mention they also thought he was incredibly lame. It was one thing to defend a girl who did not want to fight, and quite another to try and take the place of a girl who was all but a rabid dog set on its target. But none of them would get what they wanted, in the end. A short woman -- about mid-twenties -- approached the class, and the group caught her sight. "Excuse me, but shouldn't you be inside the classroom right now?" said the woman. "I have an announcement for the class, so hurry on in." [hr] Meanwhile, with Pablo and King, the lights around the stadium suddenly shut down. A man in military fatigues stood at the control panel, a disapproving frown on his face. "I was wondering why the stadium lights were on. We don't have any scheduled fights for today." The man, an instructor for the school, walked towards them. Up close, he was much larger than he looked. His strides were powerful and heavy, much like the man himself was. "So, mind telling me what a group of students like yourselves are doing here, without a supervisor and not on schedule?" [@Letter Bee]-[@Keksalot]-[@KindledBeast]