"So this is Loguetown, huh?" Giko shaded her eyes and squinted, peering over the town. From the crashes, bangs, and rapidly-forming crowd, it seemed like some rough-and-tumble sorts were starting a brawl down by the shopping district. Golly, she didn't want to be a part of that. More importantly, it was lunchtime, and that meant Giko had to think about getting some lunch! One couldn't make friends on an empty stomach, after all. Somewhere good to eat, though... The shopping district was crawling with rubberneckers, so that was out. Even if she got through, all the places would probably be shut tight until those hooligans calmed down. Maybe she should ask a local? She clattered her way around the plaza, accosting passers-by who, for their part, gave her a wide berth and refused to make eye contact, instead glaring at something behind her and muttering something about a pervert. Giko tried turning around, but she couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. Was it her clothes? Something on her face? Or maybe... Maybe she had a stalker. An extremely sneaky stalker who was [i]directly behind her at all times[/i]. It made [i]perfect sense[/i]. A fragile young maiden like her, clearly new and unsteady in an unfamiliar land- why, [i]of course[/i] she'd have a stalker. That was obvious. [i]So[/i] obvious that she now wondered why she hadn't thought of it before, even. She had to report this to the local authorities at once. Evidence, though... It would be tricky to make a sketch if she didn't even know what he looked like. Giko needed, if not a friend, an ally. Giko moved up next to a girl wearing some sort of shells over her ears- weird fashions, these locals- and tried to get her attention. [i]"Psst!"[/i], she hissed. [i]"Psst! Hey, you! With the pink hair!"[/i] No response. Clearly, those fashionable shells must have muffled her hearing. Giko would have to get the girl's attention another way. A limp-wristed wooden hand clattered over Claribel's shoulder, followed shortly by a lifeless, artificial face creeping into view, far too close for comfort. Had it been an ordinary person, this method of approach would have been strange. Done by a puppet, it was downright surreal. [i]"Heeeeeeeeey theeeeeere~"[/i], Giko whispered, giving the girl a wink.