So my last character got shut down because apparently there is already a emotionally dead drug addict ex cop. So instead I revive and modify my old Radshaw brothers. Please let me know if either fit. [u][color=blue][h2]The Radshaw Brothers[/h2][/color][/u] While they seem complete opposites these brothers were once really close. Events in their early teens separated them. [hider=Clayton] [center][color=brown][h2]Clayton 'Clay' Radshaw[/h2][/color] [h3][u]Bad Ass[/u][/h3] [img][/img] [i]"Ain't nothing come for free"[/i][/center] Male 28 6'2 220lbs [indent]Clayton was always naturally fit and muscular, his lifestyle choices further emphasised that. He is heavily tattooed and wears nearly just as many scars. Despite his warrior-like stature he has deep soft gentle pale blue eyes. His attire usually consists of big boots, denim jeans and a leather jacket.[/indent] [indent]Thug. What ever pays, from bar tending to muscle work or mechanical repairs. Clay has done many 'morally questionable' things. Some of which just to get by, others to live briefly in a taste of luxury and then there were those that were not of necessity but purely impulsive spite or pleasure. Trying to stay clean, Clay currently works as a mechanic in a chop shop. [/indent] [indent]Clay, while a bit rough-around-the-edges is pretty care free and easy going guy. He can be a little arrogant and over confident and extremely head strong and stubborn at times. He is pretty quick to resort to violence or at least threats, the strike first ask questions later type. Character flaws aside he has a generally good heart and will make sacrifices for others. Behind his arrogance he doesn't really believe he is worth dirt, often denying his own happiness believing he must suffer for mistakes of the past. He's the kind of guy that trouble is attracted too.[/indent] There is no pleasant way to put it, Clay's mother was a whore. But as far as whores go, for their district anyway, she fought hard to maintain what little respect and dignity that such a profession would allow. She stayed clean and honest always putting her children first. The same could not be said for the many men who came into his life assuming the fatherly role. Clay protected his little brother as best as he could from the loud yelling and crying, the many drunken and violent outbursts. Eventually a man came by that seemed alright until he led Clay away from his family into a life of trouble. Clay left his mother and brother to work for this man for a while before being betrayed and venturing off on his own. Clayton is currently on the run from only 'god knows what' but that darkness always follows him. So Clayton runs and runs, only stopping to drink, fight and fuck before hitting the road again. [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][list] [*]Brawling [*]Drinking [*]Mechanical repairs [*]Riding motorbikes [*]Running [*]Endurance[/list] [u][b]Likes:[/b][/u][list] [*]Whiskey [*]Women [*]Fighting [*]Motor bikes [*]Leather [*]Tattoos [*]The number 13 (Roughly in that order) [/list][u][b]Dislikes:[/b][/u][list] [*]'Intellectual' conversations [*]Politics [*]Wimps [*]Sleeping [*]His past [*]Cats [*]Rules & restraints [/list][u][b]Weakness:[/b][/u][list] Short temper Addiction to alcohol Pretty women Rejection to self happiness Being trapped (claustrophobia) [color=brown][i][/i][/color] [url=]"[i]Made of Scars[/i]" by Stone Sour[/url] [/hider] [hider=Dorian] [center][color=red][h2]Dorian Radshaw[/h2][/color] [h3][u]Business man[/u][/h3] [img][/img] [i]"You do not know of the darkness in which I have walked."[/i][/center] Male 26 5'9 190lbs [indent]This man is swathed in mystery and seclusion, much is always happening behind those deep intense eyes but that's where his thoughts stay. Dorian is quite tall, his clothes are always in pristine condition and he takes great care to ensure his appearance is always at its best. [/indent] [indent]Dorian is actually quite shy and reserved, if not needed he would happily hide away in his office but unfortunately he is also an ambitious control freak, needing to keep an eye and hand on all his affairs. He truly believes money equals power and is what makes and measures a man. He despises nearly all drugs and cybernetic implants. He finds superiority in purity.[/indent] [indent] Dorian didn't see his mother the same way Clay did, nor did he despise the many men who tried to be his father as much as Clay did. For most his young life he was sheltered from the worst of it. Suddenly he was hit by the harsh reality of life as his safe little bubble came crashing down around him. Clay had left them, his temporary father soon to follow. His mother fell deathly ill and it was up to Dorian to support her. It was too much for the young teenager. He tried his best but her decline was inevitable. Left all alone he continued his pursuit of income and was never satisfied. He blames his mothers death on their poverty, on himself. 'Nothing comes for free' the lesson Dorian has learnt from a lifetime of loneliness, clawing against all odds and misfortune to be where he is now. If destiny is truly predetermined then Dorian believes himself to have already defied the fate that the cosmos had laid out for him long ago. He lives his life expecting that at any second the grander powers that be will rectify his defiance.[/indent] [u][b]Skills:[/b][/u][list] [*]Diplomacy [*]Patience [*]Observation [*]Accounting [/list][u][b]Likes:[/b][/u][list] Order [*]Even numbers [*]Fine suits [*]Expensive drinks [*]Control [/list][u][b]Disikes:[/b][/u][list] [*]Chaos [*]Odd numbers [*]Flaws in his appearance [*]Cheap drinks [*]Drug/Alcohol addicts [*]Cybernetics [*]Lazy people [/list][u][b]Weakness:[/b][/u][list] [*]Emotional instability [*]Need for order and control [*]Gambling [*]Greed[/list] [color=red][i]Theme Song:[/i][/color] [url=]"[i]Slept So Long[/i]" from Queen of the Damned soundtrack[/url] [/hider]