Zehst's expression changed from a bashful smile to a quizzical stare as Nose Ring stomped over towards him and demanded to know why he'd interrupted them. But before Zehst could answer, the man poked him, none too gently, with each shouted word. At first he pushed the man's hand aside. "Stop that." he said, chuckling. It kind of tickled. The next poke was harder, and Zehst's eyes narrowed. "Stoppit." He lightly slapped Nose Ring's hand away. A harder poke. "STAHP." With the childish exclamation he grabbed Nose Ring's hand and actually pushed it away. But then here it came again, another pointing finger headed for his chest-- "I NEED AN ADULT!" With a "shoop" sound, a metal cylinder suddenly just [i]grew[/i] out of the young man's elbow, at an angle to the rest of his arm as he drew it back. As his fist clenched tightly, the rocket flared to life, sputtering just once before sprouting a bright orange-white flame from its end. "CRUISE KNUCKLE!" At high speed and with considerable force behind it, the rocket powered punch headed right for Nose Ring's gut. Zehst was even leaning in, putting all of his shoulder and body weight into the blow. It most certainly would not be a cruise, but then it was named for the cruiser [i]missile[/i], not the popular vacation transport.