[@Zero Hex] Annnd this is the first and last time I'm going to step into this conversation. So~ I'm going to get right to the point which I assume you already know by now, but I'll explain myself a little first. So Zero, it's clearly obvious your original Zanpakuto idea wont get accepted, not in this Bleach Roleplay anyway. However even if we applied heavy nerfes to it...it wouldn't be the Zanpakuto it once was, thus you would not be happy...I'm going to assume here and say you wont be happy with any Zanpakuto that isn't your original idea, thus if you got accepted with one that wasn't...you'd be unhappy, and that would in turn make you unhappy with perhaps the GM's, maybe even the other players but most of all you'd be unhappy in the Roleplay. Now you can argue this but I can clearly see how this would affect your time if you were to go any further in this RP and I have a few simple things to say to you. Is this all worth it? Is it actually worth going through all of this just to get into this Roleplay? I'm sure you've got a big headache from all this and feel pretty sick and tired...and at that point wouldn't it be better to just walk away? No point continuing on in something you don't enjoy. I mean it's pretty basic common sense to not go through with something you don't want to do unless the benefits are great. I don't see great benefits from all this... Now I can get to the final point. I don't want arguing about this, I want you to just walk out of the RP and be like "well it was at least worth the shot" so it didn't go well...shit happens, we didn't accept your idea...move on. I can guarantee you that you wont get along with us (The GM's) and even some of the other players, so for your sake and our sake...I have to tell you to leave the RP. I don't want to use the word "kick" but you know what I mean.