Of all of the stores in Loguetown, the old shopkeeper's one that was probably boasting the most action right now; gangsters, more gangsters, and a young rocketeer that crashed into a building using a dinghy, asking where he could buy a new boat. The question would mark the "arrival" of yet another person. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"I know a store that sells boats."[/b][/colour] A unknown voice said. Although as far as anyone would be able to see, the voice had no owner. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"I think it's called 'Sink or Sail' or something like that."[/b][/colour] As the voice continued to speak, it became increasingly clear where it was coming from. At that moment, one of the lids of one of the few crates that were dotted around the store burst open, revealing a young teenager with dark brown hair and wearing blue and exotic ninja garb. This was Tenmon Tamashi, the [s]weirdo[/s] [i]enigmatic teenage ninja[/i] that had asserted himself in Loguetown only a few months ago. His appearance from the crate raised several questions: How did he get in there? How long was he in there? [i]Why[/i] was he in there? Why did he decide to come out [i]now[/i], of all possible times? What's more, he didn't even seem to properly assess what exactly was happening in the store right now, being focused on explaining where the boat store was to the man who had crashed into the building and broke his dinghy (tee-hee) rather than the brawl now taking place in front of him. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"It's west from here, past the broken execution platform and next to the old Arms Shop."[/b][/colour] The boy said, pointing roughly in the direction of where the store was. At least his directions were accurate.