[hider=Alyx Maddox] [center][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/de381e99ee8212c3e0e80bc99f05a7f0/tumblr_nro0elY7Ve1uyghb7o5_r1_250.gif[/img] [img]http://65.media.tumblr.com/a1e78be259eb017f0b7896d911916e8c/tumblr_nro0elY7Ve1uyghb7o6_r1_250.gif[/img][/center] [b][color=00FA9A]Name; [/color][/b] Alyx-Brooklyn Maddox [b][color=00FA9A]Age; [/color][/b] Eighteen years old [b][color=00FA9A]Indepth Appearance;[/color][/b] Very much the appearance of a glossy, well-kept popular girl that's just out of high school, Alex is undoubtedly gorgeous. She stands at a slight 5'3", and has a model's figure, one toned with long, slim legs. Her skin is fair and creamy, splashed with the odd dusting of freckles where the sun hits. Her hair is naturally straight, and is very blonde in the summery months, and more light brown in the darker times of year. It reaches around her lower-mid back in a choppy, tousled style that frames her sharp features with a soft fringe. Her eyes are very dark brown, almost black, and framed by thick long lashes and neatly groomed eyebrows. She could probably win an award for her resting bitch face, which often betrays little emotion other than boredom, and when she does smile (which is rare) a neat row of pearly white teeth are revealed. Her attire normally consists of the most stylish, in-fashion type of clothes, yet she rarely wears big brand names. She does a lot to show off her toned physique after working for it, and can most of the time be caught in a crop top and tight pants, or a mini skirt and tight tee. Almost 100% of the time, she has a dated Canon camera round her neck, studded with jewels after customising it herself. [b][color=00FA9A]Personality;[/color][/b] At first, it is easy for one to assume that Alyx is a class-A bitch who thinks she is better than everyone else. Her witty remarks and reluctance to display empathy puts off a lot of people before they can really get to know the girl underneath the icy glares and crop tops. After spending a life of building walls to prevent people from seeing her 'weaknesses', Alyx is left as being one sassy, sexy, untouchable girl. She is never far from a sarcastic comment that is the blunt truth. That's the most intimidating thing: her harsh words are, more often than not, completely honest. Ever heard of the saying 'the truth hurts'? Once you've met Alyx, you'll certainly agree. Her actions are often dramatic and well thought-out, portraying her 'better than thou' attitude, but also giving her a flirty, seductive edge that has many boys falling for her. However, despite this sharp edge to her, she is found to be particularly vulnerable if one looks closely enough. It is clear to see that Alyx is never quite satisfied with herself. She will often compare her work or actions to others, degrading herself inwardly and telling herself again and again that she is never quite good enough. She has always been afraid of people hating her, of the fact that she is too harsh so that people find her to be heartless. After her walls start to crumble away, a pure heart of gold can be found. Her loyalty to her friends is undying, seeing as they're the only real family she has, and for those that she loves she will save her genuine, bubbly self and show them the light side of her that many will dismiss. [b][color=00FA9A]Backstory;[/color][/b] Her history is not something she is comfortable sharing, and few know the whole length of her past. Alyx lived as an orphan in a care home for a long period of her life after her parents both died in a car crash when she was only six years old. She would often be bullied in school for her second-hand clothes and for the lies she would make up, claiming her mother was actually rich and famous and living in Hollywood. When she was twelve years old, a distant aunt of hers was finally tracked down and was willing to take her in as her own. The two got along instantly, her aunt not being much older than her and pursuing a modelling career. This was when she was introduced to photography, having to take pictures of her aunt for her career, she fell in love with it. Her new high school was much better than her past experiences, and she fit right in. It didn't take long for her to find herself being one of the most popular girls in school, but her bitchy attitude never left her for fear of people finding out who she truly is. [b][color=00FA9A]Future Plans;[/color][/b] - Professional Photographer [b][color=00FA9A]Likes;[/color][/b] Taking pictures of things she finds beautiful The truth Being the centre of attention Kittens Red Twizzlers Partying [b][color=00FA9A]Dislikes;[/color][/b] Dishonesty Herself a lot of the time People that pretty much act like she does Anyone putting down those close to her Vulnerable people Girls prettier than her [b][color=00FA9A]Other;[/color][/b] [/hider]