[i]The moon hung low and lazy like the single glowing testicle of some strange god from outer space. It's soft white light reflected on the still dark waters. The night was so still, the tiny waves couldn't do anything to mask the soft sound of the feet that left shallow prints in the soft sand. At the end of this trail there was A lone man, standing on an empty beach. He couldn't remember the last time this hadn't been the case. Had only a week passed since the last time he'd been with someone else? A month? A thousand years? He couldn't tell! The lack of certainty brought on the old rage, but without anyone to direct it to, it just foamed over the top like boiling water over the rim of a steel pot. For a moment he....[/i] Captain Jynmi Imsar stopped and turned his attention to the hell butterfly with the message for him. "What's this?" He blinked again; no reason. "Hmm." Without wasting any more time he lightly put down his pen, and stood up, making sure everything was in order. His desk was a mess, yes, but it was the kind of mess that he could work with. "Sword? Check. Sandals? Check. Am I wearing pants? Check? Alright. I'm good to go." The image changed. The room stayed the same but its sole occupant wasn't. He vanished and wouldn't reappear until he was standing in a group of his peers, listening to the Captain Commander go over the details of a rise in trouble. Jynmi waited patiently as the captain Commander spoke. He kept his hands behind his back. His eyes focused tightly on his leader's face, making sure he didn't miss a word. At the end everyone, but for a few were dismissed. It was tempting to ask questions, or at least try to get a better understanding of what was going on, but something told him there was either no answers to be shared, or they weren't free for sharing. So he hung back and watched their leader, and a few chosen Captains, disappear into the deeper reaches of his domain. "Curious." He said to himself, anyone listening. "Why are the hollows increasing in numbers now? Things have been so docile and suddenly there's trouble." He rubbed his chin and looked around the room.