[h2][color=turquoise][center]Nyx[/center][/color][/h2] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/zFEcFuj.png[/img][/center] As he was patted on the back, Nyx looked back at Eclipse Princess and nodded, as if to say [color=turquoise][i]'Good luck.'[/i][/color] So he turned his head back around just in time to see the sword of a Duelist whizz by where it had been five seconds ago. In no time at all, a dagger was pulled across the chest and stabbed into the neck of the melee fighter, once again putting another Outlaw on a lengthy respawn time. [color=turquoise]"I've got things locked down. Nies, stay behind me and look out for Archers."[/color] Within a few seconds he heard two sets of footsteps rush past, one from what appeared to a Necromancer dressed in white and orange and another from an invisible second party. Decidedly taking a stab at the one he could see, he cursed as the blade just barely clipped the mage's coat and he kept running. Without even stopping, he turned and taunted the Assassin, then pulled a couple of corpses along with him. [color=turquoise]"Fucking mages..."[/color] The invisible one would be left to run. His next move was to hand his pistol to Nies without taking his eyes off the battlefield. [color=turquoise]"You can shoot a gun, right?"[/color] It went without saying that he hoped for a firm yes. He needed someone to help him if the gate ended up being swarmed. [@Caits][@Jedly][hr][color=tan][center][h2]Phantom Regality[/h2][/center][/color] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XcVYNVc.png[/img][/center] Phantom Regality ended Necrotic Bond as the last of the cannoneers died, smiling as three of them swiftly rose from the dead and gathered around the Necromancer. He immediately checked their stats and exited his cover with a knowing smirk. [color=tan]"A tank and two duelists, all level 2... whoever put you three on the cannons is a real moron. Would've been better off with an archer on them."[/color] Deciding to stop talking to himself and make his way to the battlefield proper, he drew a well-kept steel sword from its sheath on his hip and directed his thralls towards the giant dissolution... And promptly called them back as it died in a fiery explosion. [color=tan]"Well you people are no fun..."[/color] Electing to take a seat on a decrepit yet well-placed bench, the Mage examined the situation. The Dissolutions were effectively dealt with, and the Outlaws outside the city were being torn through like tissue paper by Eclipse Princess and the suited figure defending the gate. He took a moment to check his equipment and sort his inventory before something caught his attention. Well, rather the lack of something caught his attention. Eclipse Princess was nowhere to be found at this point. All that was left was the assassin in the golden mask, who seemed to be relatively distracted at the moment. Seizing the opportunity, Phantom Regality took off for the gate, his thralls lagging behind. Not wasting a moment, he dispelled the three and slipped right past the rogue, who was holding a gun out to a healer. He turned around and blew a raspberry at the gate's defender and activated Grave Digger, reanimating the corpses of two Outlaws that had gotten slightly past the entrance way. A Berserker and an Archer, both Level 3, joined the Necromancer in his mad dash into the city. He stopped after a fair distance to reply to Arms Slave's message. [quote] [b]To:[/b] [color=tan]Arms Slave[/color] [b]From:[/b] [color=tan]Phantom Regality[/color] [b]Subject:[/b] [color=tan]Eclipse and the Gate[/color] [color=tan]Alright, I got into the city, and Eclipse Princess is missing. I think she might be going after CC. Watch out for the Assassin guarding the gate, only got by because he was busy with a duelist. Barely got by, even then.[/color][/quote]