Head bobbing lightly to the music, Claribel was completely engrossed, her feet trumping along without much rhyme or reason to her approach.During a lull in between songs, she let out a giggle: she'd have to keep this one. Sorry, boss man. Feeling something on her shoulder, she realized how wrapped up she was getting. A bit groggy, she lifted one side of the TDs, turning to look at her caller. [i]"Heeeeeeeeey theeeeeere~"[/i] the voice of the firm face spoke out, a wooden shutter clunking closed over one of the eyes. [b]"GUHEEEEE!"[/b] Claribel cried out like some kind of rodent, thoroughly spooked, bouncing a few steps away. Landing on her feet, her eyes were wide as she stared at the girl puppet and...uh...[i]some guy[/i]. Tapping the button on her TDs, pausing them, her expression was vacant as she blinked, looking over the pair. W-was this some kind of show? There really wasn't anyone else around: Claribel stuck to quieter areas when listening to music, whether on purpose or not. Raising a hand, she greeted, "G-good morning?" Actually, had Claribel eaten yet? She was just gonna steal her boss' lunch but that wasn't happening today...