[hider=Sophie Flanders] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/eymbdHr.jpg[/img][/center] [color=1a246b][b]Name:[/b][/color] Sophie Flanders [color=1a246b][b]Age:[/b][/color] 18 [color=1a246b][b]Indepth Appearance:[/b][/color] Sophie is quite the short one standing at a 5’1”, which she only occasionally gets jokingly teased for; Sophie doesn't mind it so she jokingly plays back with them. She weighs at about 124 pounds and her skin is [i]slightly[/i] tan but it’s almost unnoticeable. Her hair is light brown, straight, and angled with her bangs overgrown and swept to her right side. Her hair is also a medium-length going past her shoulders. Her eyes are a darkish grey. Sophie is always and constantly seen wearing her dark grey beanie hat, and will almost never be seen without it on her head. Typically she will wear t-shirts or really any shirt that’s comfortable, along with either some shorts or jeans. And occasionally, she’ll put on a long light vest over her shirt. As for shoes, she is often seen wearing the Vans brand. [color=1a246b][b]Personality:[/b][/color] Eager, quirky, and once in a blue moon awkward. Sophie is that type of person where currently she'll get eager for almost anything. Whether it be an event coming soon or another plot idea she just came up with for writing a story. Hence why she'll keep a small enough notepad and pencil in her back pocket constantly. She'll even get geeky sometimes, blabbing about whatever book she read, movie she saw, or plot idea she just had. She can also be quirky, and when with the group she can be hyperactive/jokester on occasions depending on what’s going on. Now, as for flaws, Sophie can get really anxious and nervous around drama. Specifically, when two or more people just get into an overwhelming fit with each other. Usually after staying for a little bit she will try to walk away from it, but if she’s put in the middle of it she’ll try to stay neutral as possible (keywords: as possible). If she happens to be actually a part of the drama (with any person in general), she will try to back out of it even if she feels she is in the right because she feels like she would just make everything worse. Aside from that, she can be a procrastinator at times. She also likes to be witty and likes to make teh punz. [color=1a246b][b]Backstory:[/b][/color] Sophie was around six years old when she realized how much her parents had begun to fight each other. Her mother is a workaholic banker while her father is an industrial engineer; someone said one thing, the other said another thing, and it just hasn't stopped since then as it escalates. She would hear her parents yelling from all the way up in her room, and hearing that overwhelming drama would bother her. A lot. She would have her share of fights with them individually once in awhile too, which was almost worse. She would try to distract herself from this by watching movies, and throughout the years she eventually started getting out of the house for some space. Sophie wishes they would just get a divorce already. Back in the grade school and middle school days, Sophie was actually a quiet one. Not shy, just quiet. In addition she was often seen alone and completely focused in writing whether it be on paper or a laptop, when she actually did get into it; other kids also thought she was a little weird, but that didn't bother her too much. She would have a couple friends here and there but nothing really close between them. Also, she used to wear glasses at this point. She switched to contacts once she got into high school. In due time, a group would find her. And soon enough they were befriended. And to be honest, It’s really fun... [color=1a246b][b]Future Plans:[/b][/color] - Plans to get a major in Professional Writing and become a writer [color=1a246b][b]Likes:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Writing stories [*] Honest opinions/critique [*] Movies [*] Hawaiian Punch [*] Rock music [*] Reading [/list] [color=1a246b][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] [list] [*] Hypocrisy [*] Drama [*] Writer’s block [*] Celery [/list] [color=1a246b]Other:[/color] - Can get startled easily most of the time [hider=Sophie's Relations]|☺| ("Friends") |✧| ("Close Friends") |♪| ("Neutral") |♡|("Could Be Something More ~") [color=293ABF]”FRIENDSHIP SHEET, GOOO!”[/color] |✧| Elizabeth - [color=293ABF]”Elizabeth’s really great! Hanging out with her is a lot of fun and making her laugh is always satisfying. Well I mean, making anyone laugh is satisfying! She’s my number one proofreader to go to if I need something to be looked at (with snacks for the heck of it provided by your’s truly, heh heh) and gives good feedback too! Out of anyone she’s probably read the most of my stuff [i]and[/i] spoilers, so shh!”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”We’re going to go back in time, to a land far far far awa- No I’m just kidding it's more recent than that. I think it was in the hallway, or at least somewhere in school, where she just kinda came up to me on her own with one of my sheets that had a part of one of my stories I was writing at the time. Now let me rewind a bit. The day before that was where I tripped in the hallway, I accidentally had the music on too loud in my earbuds which startled the hell out of me, and it made a bunch of papers go flying. Now did I catch all of them with my hands like a ninja badass before they all landed on the ground?! Why of course!!! ...Okay no I didn’t. But imagine if I did though! Anyway, I accidentally left one behind and that must have been when she picked it up. So on the next day not only did she come to me with it, but she wanted to read the rest of it! And I gotta say, I was kind of surprised. Because it was actually one of the stories I was considering on scrapping at the time, but thanks to Elizabeth’s interest I finished it!”[/color] |✧| Aiden - [color=293ABF]”Aiden’s cool! I appreciate how he’ll stand up against bullies. I let him read some of my stuff and he’s another good person to get blunt and honest opinions from. I also appreciate his way of being rational and mediating things, since drama can...yea.”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”Now I met Aiden through...I [i]think[/i] Elizabeth? Yea, I think so because that seems most likely how we would’ve gotten to start talking. I also remember making this really lame pun but I can’t remember how it went.”[/color] |✧| Theo - [color=293ABF]”Ahhh Theo. My rival in height! Well technically everyone’s my rival since I’m the shortest BUT since he’s the tallest he’s rival number one! Whenever I see him working on a drawing I’m always amazed by it even if it’s in progress! If anything I just wish he wasn’t so hard on himself...he’s better than he thinks. But one of these days...he [i]will[/i] laugh at one of my puns!!”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”Well I definitely remember seeing him in the hallways several times, but I think we were introduced when...maybe through Elizabeth again?”[/color] |☺| Alyx - [color=293ABF]”I think I speak for everyone that at first sight she seems like, don’t worry I won’t sugarcoat, the bitch of the group. But I’ve spotted sweeter, caring sides of her around the others, so obviously there’s more to the picture and I respect that. Around me though...heh heh...I think I might annoy her a bit. I mean I don’t have anything against her of course, and I’ll probably still be all hyper and all, but I dunno. Kind of feeling a vibe I guess.”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”We had a class together and were assigned as group partners. Instead of being quiet for once I thought I’d try talking a little bit and just see how that went. It got a little...awkward? Or I got awkward? A little bit? Maybe?”[/color] |☺/♡(?)| Rose - [color=293ABF]”Rose is...Rose is really nice and sweet! She seems to have the same kind of energy as me, heh heh! She’s another good artist too; I think she’s got that kind of artwork where you just look at it and then wanna stare at it for as long as you can… I like a little art too ok! There’s something else about her though… In a good way I mean! It’s like, hmm...I dunno. I can’t quite put my finger on it yet….”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”I’d seen her a lot in the hallways before, but then I think we officially met through her brother some time after I met him.”[/color] |☺| Loki - [color=293ABF]”Loki’s a good guy to have around! We talk a little at times and he’s protective of his sister. I can’t really see anything wrong with him, which brings on to the fact where I get internally pissed at any *cough* JACKASSES *cough* who come picking on him. One of these days, when or if I lose my cool, I might just go out on anyone that does. But, Aiden and Alyx seem to have his back. So if they need any backup...I’ll come out from somewhere...heehee…”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”He came up to me somewhere in school and we just kind of started talking from there!”[/color] |✧| Callum - [color=293ABF]”Rival in height number two...and [i]maybe[/i] in jokes too… but never in puns! Only I can PUN in this race! ...You get what I mean! Well actually maybe he could be tied as rival number one... ANYWAY, I’ll occasionally join Callum in his pranks getting a pretty good laugh. As long as it isn’t too messy or too far, like that one time with the slime...oh geez… Although when he's being reckless I'll usually try to talk some sense and convince him to think through whatever he's thinking of doing. I’d also help him in some of his essays if he needed any. As long as there’s no prank involving the separation of me and my hat we’re cool!”[/color] | [color=293ABF]”We met in English class and clicked pretty fast I must say! Not sure what it exactly started with, but we pretty much just kept it on!”[/color] [/hider][/hider]