[@Revenant Writer] Only saw the first episode before bro took back the DVD set, sadly. I do have a general knowledge of the series and movie, however. I assume relevant? Welp. Then again, I suppose those controls were locked for a reason, and probably done in such a way it would otherwise take a lot of time to unlock them anyhow. Don't care if rip-off, sounds neat! Ah, yeah. I try to draw all my characters, unfortunately learned in the anime style. Mostly only grab others' works when I simply don't have the time to sit down and draw out the character. While normally I'd concede and set the sketchbook aside, this one will be difficult for...well, you know what, let me grab his backstory, currently unedited. [hider]Brief Backstory: He got picked up after a few meetings, actually, mostly due to Red being able to provide directions to promising private fueling stations and side routes. Before Red joined the crew, he worked at a space port on a desert-like planet, sweeping and keeping docking equipment clean. Before that, he worked at the docks to unload and load cargo, except he had a bad habit of dropping or somehow losing things. Before that, he worked at the local inn his savior ran before she fired him for his coordination difficulties. Before that, and the first thing he can remember, he woke up several miles out of town with nothing but the clothes he wore and an electric scimitar half-embedded in his forehead, and he was on the verge of passing out when a traveler picked him up. Bit of a pain, really.[/hider] While obviously does need tweaking due to what's been agreed upon, I decided to try to see if I could find anyone who comes remotely close to how I picture this guy in my head. [url=http://thumb1.shutterstock.com/display_pic_with_logo/4081954/388181890/stock-photo-wounded-bloody-guy-in-shirt-with-crazy-face-and-bloody-eyes-388181890.jpg]These three[/url] [url=http://image.shutterstock.com/z/stock-photo-caucasian-teenage-boy-with-blonde-hair-after-serious-head-injury-looking-to-the-side-160708634.jpg]all come[/url] [url=http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6046/6350692968_2e96e2350e_m.jpg]the closest[/url] in light of his injury, took about half an hour on Google, and still none I would say would be an accurate representation of our navigator. If you have any suggestions or are not in need of true accuracy, I'll concede.