[center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Lucas%20Channing&name=HelvetiHand.ttf&size=65&style_color=CCA508[/img] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_loym9xtblP1qa51o3o1_500.gif[/img] [color=gold][i]Lake Tahoe - The Ski Lodge - Earth Interacting With - Elsa/Eliza([@Vicier])[/i][/color][/center] [hr][hr] [color=gold] Lucas grinned as the cold wind hit his face, toying with the strands of hair that hung out of his grey beanie. He hadn't been skiing in quite some time, always busy with school or helping his father. He thought it'd be nice to just let loose for a few hours, before he'd have to put on his professional face for the party. But, he'd decided that before he hit the slopes, he'd need a partner, someone who would most certainly leave him in the dust on the way down the mountain. This decision had led him around the back of the lodge, over to where the Bries lived. During his visits before college, he'd met the Brie girls a few times, and each time he remembered as being an amazing time. He'd always gotten along well with them, and he considered them good friends, even if it had been around two years since he'd last gotten to see either of them. But all that time seemed to melt away as he stood outside the window he knew to be Eliza's. "Hey! Eliza!" he shouted, before kneeling down and scooping up snow. He patted the snow until he had a perfectly made snowball, one that he would have envied when he was a child, and tossed it up at her window. He missed, and picked up another one, this time launching it right into the center of the window. He stood outside, grinning like a fool, waiting for her to open up the window and recognize him as the culprit, and then come on down and join him.[/color]