[center] [color=9932cc][h3][i]Eclipse Princess[/i][/h3][/color] [img] http://i.imgur.com/16bT4XC.png [/img] [/center] The moment Eclipse Princess had finished sending out her message, three orange bolts of energy came flying at her from her right flank. The motions were fluid and smooth, obvious indication that Stark had been waiting for here this entire time. Even so, why had he chosen now to commence his attack? Seems the "white rat" had some semblance of honor, the cyborg moving out of the shadows silently with three more arrows nocked and ready to fly, all of them pointed at the Stryker. [color=9932cc]"Hmm? Do you think I'll be so easy to take down?"[/color] Eclipse Princess said as she first three bolts flew toward her, dodging the first two by rolling to the side and taking some scratch damage on her right leg from the third. It seemed she had underestimated not only Stark Zealot's skill, but also his honor. [color=9932cc]"Mmm? Ho~"[/color] Princess couldn't help but chuckle inwardly as Zealot revealed himself, and to the fact that he had no additional allies to try and defeat Eclipse Princess with numbers. Still, a duel is a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eab7kgg8I3I&list=PLCAB00F36BAC3EBBE&index=5]duel[/url], Eclipse Princess could as the questions she needed after she had brought Stark Zealot under submission. With that thought, Princess eliminated any distractions from her mind, focused only on swinging her sword and winning. [color=9932cc]"Ahhh!"[/color] Princess shouted as she charged, using all the momentum from her movement to try to slash at Zealot's midsection, with a wide horizontal swing that could as well finish the battle before it began if Stark Zealot didn't got the cue from this obviously telegraphed strike and dodged. In response, Stark Zealot made a small twitch of his head before moving to the left easily. So it was like that? An eye for an eye? There was no way Princess would allow such an easily telegraphed move to commence if she was fighting seriously; and that only made the White Guild member more determined in his goal. With the sword swing dodged, he twisted around to fire his three arrows at Princess' back point blank. He made no motion to follow through with another strike though. His actions show a certain curiosity about them. What would the Berserker do now? Zealot had, as expected, dodged the attack, still it wasn't enough for Princess to determine his weaknesses and strengths, or even why he was here in first place. Even so, Eclipse Princess grinned. [color=9932cc][i]"Why is it? Why is this feeling burning on my chest again, just when I thought no one but a King could get me this way..."[/i][/color] The Berserker noticed the Archer's ploy and, without a doubt she let the sword that was on her left hand go, grabbing it with her right and crossing it behind herself, to block the shots. A sideways glance over her shoulder revealed Zealot cocking his head, which Eclipse Princess replied with a smirk. [color=9932cc]"Yet, you had to come and fire me up. You'd better take responsibility, hear me?"[/color] Eclipse Princess yelled, extending her hand toward Stark Zealot, if the Archer paid attention before he would know that Eclipse Princess had just used her Spatial Collapse ability, but why had it not hit him? She wasn't blind, was she? The answer would come soon as a whole section of the glass covering the roof plummeted above Zealot, after Eclipse Princess had destroyed a support column. The smile on her lips taunting him, "Dodge this", it seemed to say. But if the warrior was aiming to make her opponent react and panic, she would be greeted by something else in its place. Stark straightened up, calmly walking after the Princess with barely a beat in his stride. As the glass came plummeting down, the shards would each pass right through him, smashing against the floor. He lunged out in the small frame of Princess' bewilderment. With bow still in hand, the weapon collapsed into two blades of blue energy and he slashed about at the other Player. His motions were cold, calculated, reflecting the robotic Avatar DGO had chosen for him. Only when all of the glass had settled did his hand move faster, aiming to kill. [color=9932cc]"Huh? What the!?"[/color] This time Eclipse Princess had to admit that she was really surprised. She could never expect an ability such as this, but, the fact that he had to use it, meant that it was on cooldown, an opportunity that Eclipse Princess couldn't squander. Eclipse Princess met Zealot's charge with one of her own, but instead of countering immediately, Princess would dodge under Stark Zealot's attacks in order to reach a piece of standing rubble behind him, running up its side him a powerful kick, before back flipping to try and hit the Archer with an Icarus attack from the biggest natural blind spot anyone had, that is, right overhead. In response to this, the Ivory Mask player thrust his fist back before lurching forward. His punch made contact with Princess' kick, meeting it in equal force thanks to his metallic Avatar giving him a boost in strength. Even so, Princess countered with a diving Icarus, ready to slam him into the ground. Of course, most players would waste precious time looking around before the kick would end their lives...but seeing as Princess was gone from all directions, the only logical choice was above. Rolling forward to avoid the crushing blow, Stark reformed his bow while in motion. By the time he landed back on his feet, three arrows were nocked and ready, firing each to Princess' shoulders and chest plate. The arrows stuck before immediately exploding. Well, it looked like Eclipse Princess had met an opponent that could not only match her skill, but also outwit her in a straight up fight. If Princess had to say, this was becoming a nice fight but Zealot was clearly above her level, if not literally, at least in skill, on the present situation. A challenge worth it, but an unavoidable defeat if she dragged this for too long. It was a matter of ending this duel on the next move, or not ending it at all, for Eclipse Princess. Just as two the arrows were about to hit her, Eclipse Princess dropped to the side, unable to do any other move thanks to the fall, but at least a piece of rubble absorbed part of the shock from the explosions, even if Princess was penetrated by blades of glass on her right shoulder and left thigh. But contrary to all expectations, Eclipse Princess, kicked the floor, jumping head first on the third arrow and using her sword to knock it of the air just as it was about to connect, though Princess suffered the full damage of the explosion right in her face, the... Berserker-like maneuver got her right into Zealot's face, "It was a nice fight, but... playtime's over!" Eclipse Princess shouted as she swung her blade in a slash with all of her strength, though her target was Stark Zealot, but the bow on his hands, a hit from her ability and it's over. That was all Eclipse Princess could hope for after sacrificing that much for one single opening. If this last move failed she was done for. Stark Zealot blinked...or would have had his Avatar had eyes. Even so, he was caught off guard as Princess merely tanked the blow to deliver one final strike towards his weapons. But she seemed to have forgotten something...and the White Guild member merely walked through Princess' entire body as the cooldown to his ability ran up. No sooner did he do that did he strike, twirling an arrow in hand before stabbing it into her back, electrical sparks seeping through her armor and towards her. Damage would be dealt, health would drop...but Stark would not take a killing blow. Seeing Princess on her knees was good enough, the Avatar silent in his doings. Reaching down to his waist, he produced a small oval-like object before tossing it down to Princess. As it made contact with the floor, a hologram would shine up. Even now, Stark was vague, both in responses and his actions because all that showed up on the hologram was the symbol of the Ivory Masks. His task done, he leapt back into the shadows with nary a sound made. Her chance lost, her life spared only because fulfilling whatever dark mission Stark Zealot had come to do was higher on his list of priorities than off Eclipse Princess. [color=9932cc]"Stark Zealot, huh? That was a fight I won't forget in a good time, but what about this thing? Does the White Bitch want something with me, or was it just a demonstration of power?"[/color] Eclipse Princess was defeated, but not her pride, now she and Stark Zealot were on even ground when it comes to knowledge of the other's tactics and skills. [color=9932cc][i]"The next time, things won't end like this, that.. I swear. Hahaha!"[/i][/color] Eris thought as Eclipse Princess rested her back against a wall and pocketed the hologram disk. Without anything else to do, Eclipse Princess logged off Deep Ground, she was just too wounded and too tired to care to go back to the Black City now, the battle was all but over anyway. The Friendship Squad could at least scrape the floor and clean the rest by their own... Eris just wanted a rest, for now.