Allura eyes were fixed on Hades, watching his every move as he interacted with the Necromancer. To her surprise, he had managed to gain control over his own mind once again and even attempted to attack the evil being, though that only led to him getting injured once more. The next few moments seemed to go by in a blur and before she knew it, Allura was back on her feet and Hades was standing in front of her without a sword in his body. The sounds of fighting filled the air and when the angel tried to look past Hades to see what was going on, he stopped her. [color=ed1c24]"Don't look Allura, focus on me."[/color] She obeyed, keeping her eyes on him without protesting but Allura could clearly picture what was going on behind him, especially since she knew what Akira was capable of. She had seen it once before. Hades seemed to have realized that too before his wound really began to affect him. Allura held herself steady as Hades' slumped against her, her attention now focused on the scene in front of her. She had seen Akira like this only once before back when they had first met and had encountered an unruly group of humans. Though this time seemed different, like it was more malicious and sinister than the first time. "Yeah I'm fine, it's just a scratch." The angel downplayed her injury but tried not to wince as his fingers brushed against the wound on her neck. "Hades' wound is way worst than mine. He got stabbed with his own sword." She said, gently moving him so that Akira could take a look at it as well.