Ok, so I finally (somehow) finished my CS. Please tell me if I need to change or edit anything. Anybody willing to take her in, even as a seated member, is fine with me. [hider=Takahashi Kaede] Name: Takahashi Kaede Appearance: [hider=Picture] [img]https://67.media.tumblr.com/1f90c33c77337ec2cd0a07fa40e6a90a/tumblr_no51wxRSHP1smzgcuo1_540.jpg[/img] [/hider] Age: Physically looks like 17; 217 Gender: Female Height: 5”6 Hair Colour: Medium Brown Eye Colour: Amber Birthday: July 14 Clan/Family: No clan Race: Soul Rank: Seated Member (3rd?) Spiritual Energy Colour: Black Red Personality: [hider=Personality] She is a little reserved. She doesn’t like to show much weakness to those the she doesn’t know well and also have a lower rank than her, most especially the recently graduated shinigami. She loves to size them up once they first join the squad. But she usually warms up to them once she feels that she can already trust them to an extent. Normally, she is a friendly person and would gladly help people. IF they need it for good reasons, not like useless parties or whatever. However, she doesn’t like being pushed over nor does she like being dismissed or ignored easily as if she was thin air, but never shows it in public. If she is annoyed or angry, she would keep it to herself for now, put on a cool face, and glare at the offending person. That is, if she was in public. Once she is alone, she would let loose all her anger and frustrations to training. Or practicing her hakuda or zanjutsu. She values trust, respect, and friendships the most. Out of everything. She respects her superiors and wouldn’t go out of her way to anger them on purpose, but she wouldn’t fail to defend the people she cares about if she believes that her superiors are in the wrong. Unless it’s Central 46 because that’s a different story altogether. But that doesn’t mean that she would try to help them in any way she can. In regards to friendships, she isn’t one to consistently prod people for information. She is patient and would until that person is ready to spill the beans. Her motto is “Treat others the way you want others to treat you.” That’s basically the reason for almost everything she does. You treat her with respect and kindness, she’d do the same to you. You punch her or backbite her, she’d do the same to you. Of course, there are always some exceptions to that, mainly her enemies, people she despises, and those of higher rank than her. She is also ambitious and a little arrogant at times. She gets caught up in her victories too much, but is usually brought down to earth when she eventually gets defeated or she had an unsuccessful mission. She strives to defeat her own captain and be one herself, for many reasons. Both selfish and unselfish reasons. She can be adventurous, especially when she is curious about something. [/hider] History: [hider=History] She doesn’t remember anything from when she was still alive, aside from her name, so there’s not much story to tell from before she arrived in Soul Society. She just woke up, physically looking one or two years younger, in District 14 in West Rukongai, lying on a bed. She found out that a couple in their middle ages found her on the ground and took her in. As she was staying with them, she often helped them in house chores to repay for their kindness. Though District 14 wasn’t that dangerous compared to others, one still has to be cautious. It isn’t that clean and well-kept, and at times, food is scarce, with the prices of food from vendors going up, and they would usually have to steal lest they want to starve. During those times, she, along with her small group of friends, would form plans to steal some food from the vendors. She would usually be the one who steals, while the others distract. They were usually successful, as only two of them needed to eat, and vendors became wary of them. She considered herself to be lucky with her family and friends. Then she found out about the Shinou Academy and decided she wanted to be a shinigami, mostly to give her family a better life and also because she learned that the need to eat was a sign of having spiritual energy. One of her friends tagged along with her and they both applied for the academy, but only Kaede passed. Her friend left while she stayed. So she studied there, occasionally visiting District 14. But during one time she went back on her second year, only to find out the village was attacked by a hollow. Her foster mother and her friends were some of the casualties, leaving only her father. After that, she practiced a lot, trying to hone her skills to a higher level, which is why her goal is her captain. [/hider] Relationships/Friendships/Rivalries/Siblings: [hider=Relationships] 1. Foster Father - Miyazaki Noboru 2. Foster Mother(Deceased) - Miyazaki Hina 3. Friends in Rukongai (All Deceased) -Okura Yuro -Akamine Hikari -Hoshino Eiji -Akamine Kazuki [/hider] Other: She was once in Squad 4 for about more than a decade to learn Healing Kido before transferring to her current squad. ~Zanpakuto~ [hider=Zanpakuto] Zanpakuto name: Shadow Hunter (Kage no Hanta) Type: Dark/Shadow-Type Zanpakuto Shikai Release command: Hide from plain sight Spirit Appearance: TBA Inner world: Kaede’s inner world is a big rocky mountain range. The mountains almost reach the clouds and there are also some hidden caves in some of the mountains. Below the mountains are lakes and grass, though they are sparse as the mountains are very close and almost right next to each other. Sealed appearance: Katana with a dark red hilt and black tsuba with red spiral designs on it Shikai appearance: Standardly, it’s similar to its sealed state except that the blade is darker in color, turning into a dark grey, and there’s some engravements on it. However, she can change the blade to any length, making it shorter or longer, but if she made it longer, it gets heavier. Bankai appearance: N/A Shikai special ability: She now has some control over shadows. She can conjure anything from the shadows. She can also hide by manipulating them around her (or any target) so that she can blend in them. She can do this with other people, not just herself. And if she wanted to, make them surround her, but that’s hard work and tiring. Shikai skills: (I’ll have to think of some names for them. And I might think of some more skills, but for now that’s it.) 1. A shadow blade would appear from any shadow available and strike the opponent, but it only goes in a straight line so if dodged, there’s nothing she can do but dissipate the sword and conjure a new one. And she can only form one at a time. If there is one already, she would have to dissipate it before forming another one. 2. She can form a bunch of tiny shards to aim at her opponent. They’re easier to form than the swords and faster too, but in terms of damage, it only makes small cuts and can be more of a nuisance to more powerful beings. In speed, it’s quick to move in the air. And it’s not a lot, so she can’t exactly form a tornado out of it. 3. With the shadows surrounding her target, she can make them sleepy, causing them to pass out for a while. The amount of spiritual energy she would spend depends on how long she wants it to last and the amount of spiritual energy her target contains. For those of a captain level though, she can only make them drowsy at the most. 4. 5. 6. Bankai skills: 1. N/A 2. N/A 3. N/A 4. N/A 5. (Ultimate Skill) N/A Non-lethal Zanpakuto Skills: In Shikai (above): 1. Making the opponent fall asleep [/hider] Skills & Masteries Zanjutsu - Near Expert Kido - Master Hakuda - Proficient Hoho - Expert [/hider]