Somehow, things had managed to go extremely badly in the span of a few minutes; the shopkeeper was knocked out, the gangsters had become restless, and more of them were entering the store by the second. At this rate, the Marines would take notice and turn the fight into an all-out war. [colour=7ea7d8][b]"Huh. Things have gotten interesting."[/b][/colour] Tenmon said, narrowly dodging a sword swing from one of the gangsters. [b]"Die, bastard!"[/b] The Spice Boy goon took another swing at Tenmon. The young ninja jumped over both the blade and the gangster, his feet planting themselves on the shop counter. He briefly considered using his powers right there and then, but shook his head as he dismissed the idea; that would just destroy the old man's store even more. Tenmon needed to get outside before he started using his Burst Technique™. [colour=7ea7d8][b][i]"Ninja Arts: Flash Step!"[/i][/b][/colour] Tenmon took a low stance and darted forward, systematically stepping on the shoulders and heads of the various goons as he made a move for the door, deftly avoiding the series of weapons that were swung as the brawl continued. Dashing through the exit, he could've sworn that he accidentally stepped on someone that wasn't a goon there... Bah, forget it - they'd be fine. Tenmon smirked. He was outside now. He could go all out. Some of Nose Ring's thugs were already outside, and more of them had followed Tenmon from inside the store too. A group of the thugs ran towards Tenmon with their weapons drawn, aiming to beat him to a pulp. [colour=7ea7d8][b][i]"Ninja Arts: Chi Burst!"[/i][/b][/colour] Tenmon thrust both of his hands outward toward the mob, releasing two explosions from his palms that enveloped the gangsters and sent them spiralling backward, with scorched bodies and white eyes telling of the teenager's mass K.O. The noise from the explosions rippled through and shook a portion of the town, alerting those nearby that [i]something[/i] was going down in the shopping district. The boy turned to face the remainder of the gangsters around him, drawing his ninjatō and taking another low stance which would foretell his next move.