Hadariel, had in the confusion of the battle with the green skins, managed to join the squad just in time to assist them with the menace of the foe. Though he hadn't exactly fired any shots, yet, he saw fit to join them – wasn't like his own squad was doing much since the commissar had the amazing idea of charging a small band of Ork Nobs. Hadariel had otherwise simply tagged along to the best of his abilities, though being something almost resembling a tiny Ogryn didn't exactly make things easy when going through cramped trench networks that led up the local officer's command bunker. “Always getting the best, ain't they...” He muttered to himself, lambasting the normal officer routine of having everything being nice and cushy for themselves. He soon held his tongue, however, as he entered the bunker alongside his new-found squad he made a mental note to not tell any over-zealous officers that he had more or less left his old squad. Not like the higher ups should care anyway, right? Swaggering into the bunker, Hadariel gave a swift salute to the commander before setting himself to be at ease. No doubt formality had gone out the window. “As you wish, it shall be done, sir!” Hadariel spoke when the commander was done giving orders. He hadn't actually listened to what was said, just that guardsman know-how knew that asking for orders a second time didn't normally go down well. Hadariel went to follow the tunnel system that the commander had spoken about, though, anything Mechanicus surely meant that the squad was considered at least somewhat important.... though just as he went to start walking he heard the mechanical voice of a tech-priest. “Uh, ain't me mate. Try that commissar o'er there.” He pointed out the commissar before making it clear that he wasn't too keen on the newfound techie.