[u][b]Introduction Part 2[/b] The Last Right of Hades​[/u] The blood-stained spearhead of Wedge Armstrong's qiang glistened in the rays of a setting Andoran sun. Crimson drops of Gallik Baal'ian blood splattered on the plush green grass beneath his feet. He wore a red bandana around his forehead which danced in a cool evening breeze. He was much older now. Fourty-five to be exact. His black hair had begun to fade and grey ever so slightly. His blue eyes were as sharp as a hawk's as he stared downward, spear cradled under his right armpit at the ready. At his feet lay a soldier, throat slashed, body lifeless. He had been the first to approach, and the first to die. "I have no quarrel with any of you," Wedge explained calmly, eyes darting from side to side. He was surrounded by men clad in various degrees of black armour wielding longswords. "But I cannot allow you to harm the people of this village." It was no use. Their slain brother would be avenged, or so they had hoped. One of the men advanced from Wedge's rear left. With one calculting backward thrust of his right hand, the shaft of the spear crossed his back and sunk into the throat of the Gallik Baal'ian soldier. As the qiang made contact, the man had already swung his sword toward Wedge's neck. He raised his left hand swiftly, ducking away with a quick step as he forced the blade high and avoided the strike. As he finished his evasive step, he took a forward stance, gripping the qiang with both hands. His Kel'no Synn training had come a long way. Casius' gift to the few who called him a friend. The soldier grasped his throat as two more lunged forward from either side before him, swords at the ready. Wedge whipped the qiang to his left, forcing it back to the right at the last second. The soft, durable wood flexed back to the left as he guided the shaft to the right. The spear head slashing the Gallik Baal'ian's throat with a vibrant spray of crimson droplets. A very rare, special, waxy wood was used to make this qiang just for him. He followed through toward the second attacker who blocked the strike with a counter swing Wedge deflected quickly with a twisting of the wrist which snapped the shaft against his sword, sending it away from his body. He countered with a quick push kick followed by a vicious thrust to the eye socket. He yanked his qiang from the lifeless skull as his victim collapsed to the ground, preforming a flawless overhead spin into a low forward stance, spear tucked under his right armpit. The remaining soldiers reevaluated. They had never seen a simple spear used so efficiently. Wedge pressed the pace, lunging forward as he swung his weapon in a full circle around his entire body. As he landed he would sink quick thrusts into unarmoured areas of his foes bodies before preforming another 360 lunging attack. One by one he picked them all apart using his qiang and basic Kel'no Synn in perfect unison. He left only three wounded soldiers. Two of them could not speak for they had collapsed windpipes from carefully placed strikes to the soft tissue of the throat. After executing those useless to him, he approached the third soldier, who had over seven deep stab wounds all over his lightly armoured body. "Who are you?" Wedge asked sternly, standing over him, covered in his comrades blood. The soldier hesitated before smiling. "We are The Last Right of Hades," he explained as he shivered within death's creeping embrace. "And we have come to kill you all." Wedge wasted no time thrusting his spear through the dying man's eye socket. As quickly as it had begun, this conflict had ended.