[centre][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-exWWbBNEtiI/VmCuEU8RugI/AAAAAAAAAhI/WfMIee3nfMI/w800-h800/Fire-Emblem-Awakening.png[/img][/centre] [color=aba000]Though the game is finished and events of what happened are recorded into legends there is one thing that has not been recorded or even spoken about since that day. Somewhere during their travels, a small fraction of the army led by Chrom and with Robins (F) help disappeared to another realm. It all happened during rest time at one of the many makeshift camps. This realm is a mystery to them and to the people who live here, the world is rather dark and is similar to how the world looked when the Fell Dragon was around. The group doesn't know how they got here or what brought them or who is behind it. However a familiar event happens which Chrom, Lissa, and Robin know of, the OC who hails from this land is found laying unconscious. Like the Robin [Avatar] they have no recollection of anything but find themselves able to handle a weapon of the said class chosen in the CS stage. The land just like Ylisse is crawling with Risen and war of the nations in this land. The land is split into four regions, the main lands and heart of the empire, the northern area which is crawling with creatures like manakete, taguel and even a new race which are similar to bears called Bearics. To the south is where the old kingdom used to stand and is home to many holy places, for the most part, is a poor stricken but has a well-equipped army. The last region is a rather troublesome region where with each ruler a new war breaks out, like the last war a new war is almost here. Lastly, there is an island which can hold about 3 million people on is just off the shores of the mainland and breast region. The story revolves around the OC, Robin and those who ended up here. How will the team get home? Will the OC character remember who they are? Will the choices made by the OC change the outcome for the visitors of this realm? Will the war tear this world apart? Do the things here affect the world of Ylisse? What secrets exist here and will any of them benefit those here? I will bring up more if needed if I get a bite or two. The OC is heavily plot related so at times you won't have a choice in what happens.[/color] [color=00aeef][u][b]Characters Involved:[/b][/u] 1. Chrom [Great Lord] 2. Robin [F] [Grand Tactian] 3. Tharja [Becuase I wanted to play her for a while now] [Sorcerer] 4. Vaike [Berserker] 5. Nowi [Manakete] 6. Gregor [Hero] 7. Lissa [Sage] 8. Cherche [Wyvern Lord] 9. Sully [Great Knight] 10. Lon'qu [Swordmaster][/color] [color=ed1c24]11. Main OC [???] 12. OC Team Mate [Sniper] 13. OC Team Mate [Bearic] 14. OC Team Mate [Dancer] 15. OC Team Mate [Trickister] 16. OC Team Mate [Valkerie] 17. OC Team Mate [???][/color] It seems like a lot of characters but you have to remember choices cause changes and so old teammates maybe become foes inside of ally's, maybe fall in battle and whatever else could happen. Also playing X characters is something I like but that does not mean all of them will be in a conversion at one time, probably six at most or if we make it to the end somehow. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I am no longer looking in this thread, if you want me you will have to PM me //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////