Sanguine pushed the angel back, expecting a second attack right away. But that didn't happen. Which could only mean one other thing. "Took you long enough to get through that thin ice wall." Sanguine teased Oliver as he joined her again. "Though this might not have been the best moment to join me. If I'm not mistaken he'll have the angel use it's spell next. Which will likely be hurting you more than me." Vampires were weak to fire and holy damage. Which was exactly the reason why she had a ring as part of her gear that increased those resistances. And as the vampiress had predicted, a bright light appeared high in the sky. A pillar of light, in fact, coming to smite them. "Or, you know, you could stay here with me. I'm fine with either." She wasn't exactly looking forward to getting hurt. And it was a bit of a gamble, to be honest. This world seemed to have similar power levels to the game world so far. So a 6th level angel could only do a tiny bit of damage...if she was right. The pillar of light hit a moment later. Sanguine winches a little, feeling the burning sensation of the holy energy all over her body. It was as she had predicted though. Only 'unpleasant'. Not even as bad as when she exposed this body to direct sunlight. Once the light dissipated, the two of them were still standing there, seemingly unharmed. The vampiress first chuckled, then started laughing excitedly. It actually sounded a bit evil, though this time that wasn't the intention. Sanguine had never felt such a rush in her real life. The intimidation of basically seeing god's wrath coming down upon you, yet coming out unscathed once it was over felt amazing. "That actually hurt a little!" She spoke after a few seconds, still grinning widely. However then the one person whom had remained silent up until now decided to step in against orders. "You filthy bug!" Daniëlle's voice shouted angrily from a dozen meters behind Sanguine and Oliver. "You dare cause harm to my masters?!" Before Sanguine could order her to calm down though, Daniëlle had already closed the distance between her and the enemies. The woman had been given the barbarian class and frenzied berserker prestige class. So once she really let lose, even Sanguine or Oliver would have trouble taking her down. "Ah hell...I specifically said we would handle this..." Sanguine muttered, a bit annoyed that her servant was going against orders. Even if it was out of loyalty. "Let's let her handle the last few that remain. I've learned what I wanted to learn from them, and don't want to reveal more about my spells and your strength to them anyway." Fighting the angel would mean having to use more powerful spells. Spells she wanted to keep secret to have an advantage later on. The angel turned away from the couple, now focusing on Daniëlle instead. However it was already too late. The woman had already taken out her great axe, swinging it at the creature. And with a single swipe the angel was split in two, disintegrating into nothingness moments later. "Daniëlle! Keep their's leader's body in one piece!" Sanguine ordered, figuring they could revive him for interrogation later. The bishop tried to run, pleading for his life as he went. Which in turn caused the last few remaining mages to run away as well. But his pleads went unheard. She had warned him to surrender, it was his fault he hadn't listened. Daniëlle caught up to the last few within seconds, slaying half of them with one swing of her weapon, and the rest with two more. The battle had been won. Or, more accurately, the guild leader's experiment had successfully concluded.