[Hider=Application: Vernie GoForth][b]Full Name:[/b] Vernie GoForth [B]Age/Birthdate:[/b] 2 February 1989; 27 years old [B]Gender:[/b] Female [B]Sexuality:[/b] Asexual [B]Position:[/b] Government [Hider=Appearance][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/D6QHnUi.jpg[/IMG] Vernie stands at 5' 6" and weighs around 140 lbs. In order to keep eyes off her, she keeps her attire pretty casual. Due to the deal she made, Vernie has a list of names engraved on her back. Those names fade away if she kills the witch or the witch is killed by someone else. She usually wears shirts that cover her whole back, so she can hide these names. [/hider] [B]Personality:[/b] Vernie is a bright eye gal who wears a thin smile. The gal is mischievous and a bit of a compulsive liar, but a very charming liar. She keeps her personal affairs secret and her acquaintance at a distance. Working as a Bounty Hunter made her rather greedy, and she is willing to turn in any witch; regardless if they are a Blood Witch or a Devil Child. Being a Devil Child herself, she tends to keep a low profile and tries to do most of her work at night. But during the day, she is a social butterfly and talks to whoever might get her some info about a recent bounty. It takes a lot of work for her to consider you an ally and the only person she considers her "real friend" is her mother. [Hider=History] Brought into this world by normal women and a Blood Witch, Vernie lived the majority of her life on coven grounds. This coven was a small village lost in the woods and went by the name, Groˈtesk. The Groˈtesk Coven wasn't based on heritage, but a place for Blood Witches -with powers that caused dermal disorders- to hide away from the public eye. Vernie's father was unlucky enough to possess insect powers; which caused insect eggs to grow all over his body. As gross as it appeared, both Vernie and her mother loved him. Young Vernie and her family lived an average life among the freaks of Blood Witches. Vernie was lucky enough to have the Blood Witch line skip her. She possessed none of her father's powers and appeared to look normal. Her life was pretty average; she attended school like any other child and would have constant inspections by her mother to make sure she did grow any eggs. Regardless how isolated the village was, Vernie was satisfied with this life. She was an adventurous child and had a bright personality that made her popular with her peers. Vernie would constantly find trouble and most parents didn't want her hanging around their child. Despite how much trouble she got into, her parents always stood up for her. The GoForth family was very close, but they weren't what the Coven would consider the best family. They raised their daughter based on their moral beliefs rather than the Covens; which resulted in Vernie being a compulsive liar and mischievous. The only reason the family was allowed to stay at the Coven was the protection the father provided. For a power based around insects, it was rather powerful. This power gave him the job as the town's Sheriff, and the family lived comfortable knowing they would be safe in this Coven. At the age of twelve Vernie started to take an interest in her father's power, and he would show her how his power works even though he knew she couldn't do them. The mother didn't appreciate Vernie's interest in magic and feared she might marry a Witch. The mother started to take Vernie down to the city when she had to run errands for the Coven in hopes of her daughter taking a liking to the city instead of the Coven. As soon as Vernie stepped foot on the concrete jungle, she instantly fell in love with it. With all the bright toys and sweets, she quickly developed a case of the sticky fingers. Of course, the duo never stayed in trouble too long; Mrs.GoForth had a way with words and could convince anyone her daughter didn't mean any harm. Despite Vernie's mischievous behavior, the duo enjoyed their time in the city. Her mother would show Vernie all her favourite places and introduce her to some of the families she knew down there. Vernie thought the city was a magical place, and always begged her mother for them to move here. She was always disappointed to learn they couldn't because of her father's condition. This didn't make her angry at her father, instead, she pity him. The city was such a magical place, and he couldn't enjoy it because everyone would judge the way he looked. Vernie felt like it was unfair and it was her duty to get her family into the city since they always had her back. After one of the trips to the city, Vernie promised both her parents one day they all will get away from this Coven and live a happy life in the city. Mr.GoForth didn't mind living at the Coven, but Mrs.GoForth shared the same enthusiasm for the city as her daughter. The mother loved her husband deeply but she wished the family could live a normal life. While her father patronized his daughter's promised, the mother held on tight to this hope for a better future for the family. However, this bright future started to fade away. The eighteenth year of Vernie's life, a group of Witches called,"Kleret," arrived at the small village. They told a sad story of how their own village was burnt down by the government and asked if they could stay here for a bit. With the majority of the villagers being kindhearted, the Kleret Witches were welcomed with open arms. The Goforth family kept their distance from these witches. Her father had a sick feeling toward the Kleret witches and told the community to take caution when allowing them to live here. When the community dismissed his warning, the family took their own precaution. Mr. GoForth worked extra hours patrolling the village while Mrs. GoForth would take longer trips to the city with their daughter. Vernie's mother begged her to stay in the city, but Vernie couldn't imagine living far away from her parents. Returning home from a quick errand, the mother and daughter duo was welcomed by a thick red fog. As they investigated the village, members of the Groˈtesk Coven had met a gruesome demised and the Kleret Witches were nowhere to be found. Fear slowly was taking over Mrs.GoForth, so Vernie dropped her off at her house and continued the investigation by herself. Confusion and rage swirled around her head the longer she looked around. She knew the mist was blood, but wondered where the bodies could have been. Her investigation lead to the village's Jail House, and with a heavy heart, she entered the building. No dead bodies could be found, but a strange man was sitting at her father's desk. Vernie quickly demanded the stranger to tell her who he was and what happened to the Coven. The stranger replied happily and explained how the Kleret Witches were bloodthirsty witches who needed blood to do their magic. He went into great details of how more of the Kleret Witches invaded the village and slaughter Groˈtesk members. Some did escape, but a good bit where killed and taken to the Kleret camp. Twisted with rage, Vernie asked if her father survived. The strange man let out a chuckle and slowly rose from his seat. He motioned for her to follow him, and the two ventured deep into the woods. To her horror, she saw her father leaning up against a tree. She quickly rushed to his side to see if he was alive but sadly discovered he wasn't. Through tears, she laughed as she saw a corpse not too far from her father's body. It was one of the Kleret Witches that stayed at their village, and thousand of insects were crawling over her body. The laughter didn't last long, and Vernie began to sob. During her mourning, the strange man sympathized with her. He said just the right words, how it was unfair for this to happen to her and how those Kleret Witches should pay for this. As he planted the seed of hate in her heart, he offered Vernie a deal. He said there are some witches who weren't keeping their part of the deal and some witches he just didn't want alive. If she would take care of the witches that crossed him, she will grant her Blood Witch powers. At first, Vernie wasn't going to agree to the deal till he said that the Kleret Witches were on his list. They weren't keeping their end of the deal, and he expressed how he wished he had gotten rid of them a while ago. The strange man had won her over, and she happily agreed to the deal. As the two shook hands, a burning sensation took over her back. The pain brought Vernie to her knees, and the stranger slowly faded away. Once the pain went away, Vernie rose from the ground with a thin smile. She couldn't explain what it was, but it felt like foreign blood was pumping through her body. Vernie went back to fetch her mother and the two had a small funeral for Mr.GoForth. After the two took several hours to mourn, the two set out to the city. During their first year in the city, Vernie slowly dropped hints of the situation she was in. Surprisingly, her mother was okay with it; she was just happy Vernie didn't grow any eggs. Both Vernie and Mrs.GoForth lived in an apartment together and was able to get jobs at a local grocery store. One day as Vernie was working at the store, Mrs.GoForth showed her a newspaper article. It was about Bounty Hunting, and Mrs.GoForth said it would be a good way to get a lot of money and to cross some names off her back. Vernie happily agreed with her mother idea and took the next years preparing to become one. Once Vernie turned twenty, she went to one of the police station's to turn herself in. She put on a quite a show as lied by saying how she was a Blood Witch and her powers revealed them self just a few days ago. With her charm and way of words, Vernie was able to convince the police station to help her become a Bounty Hunter. She had to go through many processes to see if she could be trusted to be a Bounty Hunter, but in the end, she lied and charmed herself into the system. Within half a year, Vernie became a bounty hunter through this police department. She had to take an oath that she would have to act according to their rules and complete a bounty each week if she wished to stay a free Blood Witch. To this day, Vernie travels to city to city catching both Blood Witches and Devil Children and turning them over to the government. The government requires them to be alive when she hands them over, but some sadly don't make it there that way. Vernie was able to cross out a few names off her list with this Bounty Hunter gig, but the bigger names she knows will be harder to find. There is no time limit on the list, just as long as she appears like she is working toward crossing off a name. But she doesn't care too much about the list, all she cares about is the reward money and helping her mother financially as she lives her life in the city. Vernie hopes for one day she can join her mother, but she got a deal to complete and bounties to chase.[/hider] [B]Magic:[/b] Infestation: Vernie can conjure and manipulate insects. She can summon one to an unholy amount of insects. Not only can she control them to do her bidding, she can also sense through them. Whatever senses the insect experience, Vernie experiences them too. This only works with one insect at a time or she would become too overwhelmed. Swarm Cloud: Vernie can turn her whole body into a swarm of insects. This allows her to easily squeeze through tight places or make a quick escape. [B]Price:[/b] Infestation: To conjure an insect it requires two things: blood and the insect. The blood is more of a building material for the insect; while a little prick on her finger can summon one, a gallon can summon a swarm of insects. The insect is needed so she can control which type of insect she can conjure. She simply has to ingest the insect and she is ready to make a swarm. Swarm Cloud: This drains her blood the longer she stays in this form. She needs to ingest a lot of insects in order to turn into this form. [B]Other:[/b] Protein Cocktails - Vernie carries around these little bottles of liquid. Along with some apple juice, these bottles contain crushed up insects. This allows her to create multiple types of insects and control which type she can summon.[/hider] Okay, she is done! And I fixed up all those spelling errors (might be a few that I missed). I also fixed the price thing that you suggested, [@Gisk]. If there is anything else wrong, let me know! :)