[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location: [/color]The campsite [color=#17c311]Interacting with: [/color]Calanon, Keystone[/center][/b] Cyneburg trailed behind the rest of the group, not for any specific strategic or well thought out answer, but simply because she was an outsider and wasn't in bad enough shape to be in the back of the wagon. It wouldn't feel right to walk with the rest of the people, and since she wasn't acting as a guide, the back seemed like the best spot. The druid glanced up as it started to rain and pulled her burned mantle around her. That was another thing she would need to replace sometime. For now it would have to do. Personally, she wasn't the biggest fan of storms. She knew people who were, and they were always giant weirdos, running out into typhoons laughing and waving their arms around, then they come down with pneumonia for a week. They also tended to have long, wild hair and big crazy eyes. Fun at parties, not so much dealing with on a day to day basis. Still, storms were something she was obligated to respect and they were rather important to the environment, but it still sucked to be caught in the rain. At the very least they soothed the fireball burns that she would need to deal with until the woman in white whose name Cyneburg forgot was well again. Cyneburg stifled a yawn as another newcomer arrived, an elf male who was quite well armed. He did not state his name, but he claimed to be tracking the orcs. Why he would be doing such a thing was not elaborated on, but he claimed to not mean any harm. Well he didn't have aggressive body language, so she had no reason to disbelieve him, especially as a fellow outsider. There was one thing however, that was bothering Cyneburg, something that had been wrong since before the fight. Although she hadn't given it too much thought, it was still gnawing at the back of her mind, like a childhood case of lice that isn't caught for half a year. Picking up the pace, the druid approached Keystone, her face wrought with concern. "Excuse me, but what exactly did you mean by 'my lot doing their business in the woods?'"