[hider=Done!] [B]Name:[/b] Beren Edurus [B]Age:[/b] 23 [B]Gender:[/b] M [B]Species:[/b] Human of mixed blood [B]Physical Description:[/b] Beren's most noticable features are his deep eyes and tan skin. He has long legs and powerful arms, standing near six feet in height, with a lean but muscled physique. Broad shouldered and trim, he cuts a statuesque figure. His face is youthful, giving him a look of someone a few years his junior. With kind eyes and a 5'oclock shadow, he seems both gentle and dangerous at the same time. He wears a maroon vest with matching pants, over a blue undershirt with a blue sash belt. His boots are travel fit, and he wears a chain necklace underneath his clothes that his father gave him. [B]Skillset:[/b] [list][*]Tracking [*]Hand to Hand combat [*]Smithing [*]Archery [*]Staff fighting [*]Axe wielding [*]Forest Sneaking [*]Reading [*]Worldly Knowledge (though lacking knowledge of the arcane) [/list] [B]History:[/b] He grew up in a small southern forest town, ruled over by a local lord like a few other towns in the vicinity. His father was a priest and his mother was on the village council. When he was born, Beren was a quiet and behaved child. He hardly cried, mainly gazing around in wonder, curious about the world and all that was in it. He spoke quickly but walked late, and was quick to make friends with the family dogs. Soon enough, he and the dogs would explore the woods around the town. He was often visited by a few of his father's Dwarven friends, and he would help injured animals around the woods whenever he could. There was a local monk who lived in the town on the outskirts, and was intrigued by the boy when Beren one day found a bird too sick to help himself. The monk healed it with herbs, and he decided to offer to train him in his martial arts for he could see the boy's kind heart. Beren was all too eager to learn. It gave him a vast resource of books to delve into, and training that began to hone his skills and spirit. When he was 10, the Monk named Guan had to leave for his homeland, leaving behind a book that would further Beren's training. With naught to do, his father's Dwarven friends offered to teach him the basics of smithing, and he complied. He found he had a kinship with the Dwarves, for they were tough and stuck to their guns in all they did. It was comforting to the young Beren. Soon the smithing honed his muscles as the Monk's training had done the same to his skills. But before either teaching could fully develop, there was a troll attack upon his village. The town survived, but his parents did not. Beren was crushed, his strengthening spirit now utterly spent. He refused to move or eat. The Dwarves could not take him back to their holds with him, but decided on taking him to the ranger, Brand. They knew of no one else would could take him in. Brand was kind and uplifting, encouraging Beren to continue growing as he had been, and happily teaching him the ways of the forest and of the Ranger. Brand even helped him build a forge to practice journeyman smithing to help pay for a few things around the camp. Beren never did see Brand as a father, but he viewed him as an Uncle whom he became intensely loyal to. He grew closer to his new siblings as well, pledging to always be there for them and never shying from a sparring match or a discussion at night by the fire. He had found a new home again. When he turned 19, he decided to leave a carve a name for his own as an amateur adventurer and hero. Only a few short years later, he heard the news... [B]Psychological Profile:[/b]Beren is an idealist. Born with a tender heart, he learned that being kind and being vulnerable did not have to be the same thing. Though there are those who cannot help but be vulnerable, so he grew stoic and hard over his gentle center. He grew self confident, even a bit self righteous (though he does his best to keep it in check). He follows a strict code of honor, though as long as he nor anyone else breaks it, he's easy going. A natural deep thinker, he does best around animals or those whom he is familiar with than trying to get to know anyone new. Despite his discomfort, he is always polite unless driven to conflict. [B]Equipment:[/b] [list][*]Monk Gi [*]Bo Staff [*]Hand Axe (will take the staff or axe on a venture, does not have room for both). [*]Recurve Bow [*]Holy Pendant [*]Water flask [*]3 pounds of beef jerky [/list] [b]Yes, and:[/b]Beren has always respected Grey greatly. He was the only one of them other than Beren that had an almost total aversion to killing animals. It was the way of the Ranger to respect nature, and he understood that it was the way of things to hunt, but somehow Beren never got used to it. Grey being uncompromising in his empathy was honorable, and he was a prime example of someone Beren needed to protect. He'd often give Grey reassuring pats on the shoulder and would encourage him to be himself, and if any of the other siblings picked on him, Beren wouldn't shy from tackling them. Always stick up for the little guy, especially Grey. [/hider]