[hider=Loden Grimm][B][color=0072bc]Name:[/color][/b] Loden Grimm [B][color=0072bc]Age:[/color][/b] 27 [B][color=0072bc]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [B][color=0072bc]Species:[/color][/b] Human [B][color=0072bc]Physical Description:[/color][/b] [INDENT]Loden is not a big man, agility being his strong suit. He was built to run fast using his natural quickness as a means of evasion. Brute strength being the dominance of lager men, Loden would have none of that benefit. He wears a thick black mustache that extends past the corners of his mouth, ending at the jawline. A small patch of dark black hair denotes the location of his chin. It is a predominant feature on his tanned face. His dark colored eyes piercing, enhancing his exceptional vision. It serves him well when identifying marks in the soil or changes in the foliage. Loden wears a brown studded leather brigandine with light leather britches tucked into soft leather brown boots that stop half way up his shin. He wears leather forearm guards that are studded on the outside and smooth on the inside of his arms. He also wears a mottled green cloak ending at the tops of his boots with a deep heavy hood. In warmer weather, he wears a light cotton vest under the Brigandine with exposed arms. In cooler months, he wears a light cotton shirt under a heavier woolen gambeson. He prefers lighter armor in order to enhance his agility and stealth.[/INDENT] [hider=Loden Grimm][img]http://i.imgur.com/U1aD6V1.png[/img][/hider] [B][color=0072bc]Skillset:[/color][/b] [INDENT]Loden is quite the adept stealthy tracker able to spot the smallest clue to help him find his query. He paid careful attention to the lessons taught to him by his master, Brand of the Nightwood. Loden's favorite weapon is the longbow which he carries constantly, as well as a full quiver of arrows. If Loden were a pride-filled boastful man, it would be his skill at hitting targets at distance, he would talk about. But that is not Loden Grimm's way. Although he prefers the bow, Loden possesses some sword skills. With a narrow blade, his longsword is almost like a needle, used in a piercing penetrating motion, rather than a hacking or slashing motion. He also carries a half a dozen throwing knives, he is slowly acquiring skill with. A balanced dagger intended to never be thrown at anyone finds a home in a sheath at his side. It serves him more as a cutting tool than a weapon. Binding wounds and caring for the ill and injured is something that seems to come natural to Loden Grimm. He learned what he could from Brand, but there was always something more. Loden always felt he was destined to be a healer. He has learned what he could from Brand as well as others later when on his own. Even as a young child, he knew he received a healer's [i]gift[/i], he just wasn't sure exactly what it was. If he was blessed with a gift, it had not completely manifested itself in Loden Grimm.[/INDENT] [B][color=0072bc]History:[/color][/b] [INDENT]Loden Grimm was born into a family of servants to the noble family of Westfeldt. Baron Richard Yaroglek ruled over the lands of Western Vendland known as Westfeldt. He was a leader of men, adored by the subjects of his province. Some say [i]Richard the Benevolent[/i] was too kind, too generous to his subjects. At least that is what Gerold Tuldar said of Richard Yaroglek. The two Lords had been at odds for several years before Loden was born. The Grimm family, like the subjects of the forested rolling hills of Westfeldt adored King Harold's vassal, Baron Yaroglek. The Grimm family served the Baron's family in the palace kitchens as well as tending to the Yaroglek children. When Loden was born, the Lady Dianna Yaroglek allowed Loden's mother some leniency in order to care for her child while performing her duties to the family. Her kindness was appreciated and helped Loden's mother, who felt a warm kindness for the Yaroglek family. Three months past Loden's fourth birthday, a group of assassins invaded the palace and took the lives of the Baron, his wife, Dianna, two of their three sons and ten of the servants to include the Grimms. At four years of age, Loden lost his parents to a group of anonymous assassins. Loden saw a family crest that day on one of the assassins. The colors and symbols he witnessed are imbedded in his memory forever. Whenever he has seen this crest, it fills him with grief for the loss of his family and his family's master. The youngest Yaroglek son, Adrien was 29 at the time his family was killed. Somehow, he managed to escape the massacre with the young Grimm boy. As soon as the incident happened, he knew what to do. Believing he could not resist the assassins, Adrien chose to run. Loden believed Adrien, the new Baron of Westfeldt was suspicious of the House of Tuldar, but he had no proof. In fact, he had never known the name, Tuldar until years later. Young Loden had no clue, just that his parents were dead. Adrien Yaroglek placed the boy in the saddle of his horse, between his legs and rode for several days through the eastern forest until they reached the Pilgrim Road. Baron Yaroglek recognized the a certain clearing along the road spurring his horse off the road. About an hour later he came to a largish house of wooden construction built amongst a few large boulders and some of the largest trees in Venland. Adrien lowered the boy to the ground at the feet of Brand. Adrien met the old Ranger, while serving the king on campaign. The young Baron served as a knight for King Harold and fought beside Brand in many engagements including the Battle of Milendon Hills. It was there that Adrien's father had his first argument with Lord Gerold Tuldar. But Loden knows nothing of the animosity between the House of Tuldar and the House of Yaroglek. Loden quickly grew accustomed to living at Brand's home in the forest. He learned the skills of a Ranger and helped his new family with many chores, including meal preparation, cutting trees and firewood, manufacturing bows from Vendish Yew as well as arrows and how to maintain such fine tools. Knowing where north was at all times, day or night is a skill Loden picked up quickly. He can never be lost, as long as he can see the sky. Being lost inside a cavern on the other hand is a real possibility. If one of his brothers or sisters were injured or became ill, Loden Grimm felt a strong sense of empathy for their pain. He earnestly did what he could to assist Brand with healing the injured sibling. Loden's bed side manner was exemplary, making the patient feel warm and cared for. He would bring the child anything they wanted to help mend their spirits as well as their wounds. On one occasion, a young sister of maybe 12 years became ill. She had a fever, body aches, and chills, with a pale complexion. The sickness took everything out of her, sapping her strength. Loden was 16 at the time and touched the girl's forehead during the process of caring for her. In the midst of skin to skin contact, his hand and her face, he felt a tingling sensation and viewed a small glimmer of yellow light at the point where their skin touched. He was immediately frightened by the sensation quickly yanking his hand away. He rubbed it with his other hand close to his chest. The next morning, the girl's fever broke, she regained her strength and was up and around as though nothing had happened. She had no idea how she healed so quickly and neither did Loden. The experience frightened him more than anything and although he thinks about it often, he has never told anyone. He wonders if he is cursed. The next summer, Loden chose to head out on his own and explore the world around them, taking the skills his master, Brand taught him. That first night, he felled a two hundred pound stag for a meal and decided to drag it back to Brand's home for a feast. He shared the meat with his family. He left on his sojourn the next day instead. During the ten years Loden Grimm has been wandering the countryside, he has acquired more skills in the healing arts to include using mushrooms and certain plants containing medicinal properties. He has even used a bone saw to remove a limb from a man who's wound had become infected smelling foul like the stench of an ogre. It was during this time, he acquired the skills of using the longsword from a man who hired him as a tracker during his third summer away from the Nightwood. With some of the money, he earned, Loden purchased a sword of his own, which he aptly named, [i]Skarpinne[/i], taken from an ancient language simply meaning, [i]Sharp Stick[/i]. Loden's fighting style with Skarpinne is more elegant and graceful. He appears to be a ballerina, jumping, slipping, sliding and waving the sword around as though he were on display for Kings and Queens. He finds training with the longsword amusing and eagerly practices various forms with it.[/INDENT] [B][color=0072bc]Psychological Profile:[/color][/b] [INDENT]Loden Grimm is a kind hearted man, empathetic to others. His heart brims with love and he wears his heart on his sleeve. Although he may not always express his emotions, he feels a deep connection with Brand and those boys and girls he lived with in the Nightwood. They are indeed a brother or sister to Loden Grimm. He has taken a silent vow to defend these siblings to the death if needed. Loden has a preference to the healing arts, feeling compelled to help anyone injured or ill. He will not actively seek out injured persons, but when he learns of someone needing attention, he eagerly offers himself to assist. Caring for his fellow man is a priority for Loden Grimm. As a Ranger, Tracker and in those rare instances, a mercenary, Loden has killed in the name of money and survival. He doesn't like it and his heart fills with remorse. Any time he has taken a life, he is filled with gloom and becomes silent and moody. He will pray to heaven above for forgiveness for what he deems to be the worst crime against humanity.[/INDENT] [B][u][color=0072bc]Equipment:[/color][/u][/b] [list][*] A Vendish Longbow built by his own hand and maintained to last. He uses a variety of arrows, but the Bodkin tipped arrows comprise the majority. [*] Half a dozen well balanced throwing knives. [*] A well balanced dagger. [*] A fine longsword named, [i]"Skarpinne"[/i] with scabbard on his left side. [*] A brown studded leather Brigandine. [*] Pair of light brown leather britches. [*] Pair of mid calf high soft leather boots, excellent for stealthy walks. [*] Pair of leather forearm guards that are studded on the outside and smooth on the inside of his arms. [*] Mottled green cloak with a deep heavy hood. [*] A heavy wool gambeson, color forest green. [*] A leather back pack filled with rations and water skins. [*] three small leather pouches, one containing a few coins. One containing an herb he uses for healing wounds. [*] Various medicinal supplies used for curing illnesses and injuries. [*] A 2" wide black leather belt [*] A modest horse, named "Donner". [i]Donner[/i] a brown skinned mount with a white splotch on his nose and the bottom twelve inches of each leg, just above the hooves. Saddle, Saddlebags as well as tack and bridle for riding a horse.[/list] [b][color=0072bc]Yes, and:[/color][/b][indent]It has been about 23 years since Loden first came to live with Brand. He recalls brothers and sisters reaching an age of maturity setting off on their own. He recalls how ever year brothers and sisters left the family, but always new siblings would arrive. When Varrick Tuldar arrived, Loden was 12 years old. He was curious about the boy and befriended him early on. At some point in that first year, Loden was reminded of his own parent's death by one of Varrick's possessions. It immediately frightened Loden, but he concealed his emotion. He kept a close eye on Varrick, but allowed their friendship to bloom. He did not care for the boy's arrogance, but soon discovered the boy had come from a noble family similar to the people his parents served as a child. He knew nothing about nobles and commoners accepting Varrick for who he was, his brother. The infant known as Masef came to live with the family when Loden was five years old. He was curious of the child and played with him on occasion. As a baby, Masef enjoyed laughing and Loden enjoyed listening to the baby laugh. Later in life, Loden watched out for Masef as any big brother should, sticking up for him if any of the other boys tried to pick a fight with him. Loden saw himself as a self appointed protector for several of his younger siblings. In the same year, Varrick Tuldar arrived at Brand's home in the forest, an Elven girl named, Ashira arrived. She appeared to be about the same age as himself when he arrived eight years earlier. She had received a head injury, which compelled Loden to look after her. He kept her wound clean and sat with her while she recuperated. The Ranger, Brand would often look in on the two as Loden told Ashira humorous stories. Ashira and Loden became close friends and when Loden left the family five years later, he believed the young Elf would sadly miss her big brother. When Grey Balthan was carried into the glen, Loden quickly learned of the boy's injuries. Naturally, he could not stop himself from assisting Brand with the healing process. He sat by the boy's side and helped him to recover. He changed his bandages, binding splints where needed and using herbs to help heal the injured boy. The two spent many days laughing and joking about many things in life they found humorous. Although, Loden appreciated the warm and friendly nature of the boy named, Grey, he unfortunately did not get to spend much time with him. A year after Grey's arrival, Loden left the home to find adventure on his own. Loden met Beren Edurus when he was only 14 years old. The younger boy had what Loden called an old soul. His physical appearance made him look younger, but as he got to know him, he had the characteristics of a much older man. It was an interesting duality between the boy's appearance and personality. Loden found the boy fascinating and listened to him tell tales about life with the Monk. They both shared a common interest in caring for others, Beren for animals and Loden for humans. They both learned medicinal skills sharing what they knew with one another. There was a sort of professional courtesy between the two as they collaborated on their efforts. Kiera was someone who was there. He did not know her when he was young. He was four years old when he arrived and Kiera arrived about the same time. She spent most of those early years either in solitude or just not around Loden. Not being one to criticize or otherwise judge another, Loden respected her desire to maintain distance. When he was a few years older, he noticed a change in her behavior. She began to open up, speaking to others. It was as if her inability to view the world in the traditional manner was no longer an obstacle to her social demeanor. When Loden first approached her, he found her warm and inviting. He could tell by observing that although her eyes were a graying opaque hue, typical of blind persons, she could indeed see him. She was well aware of his presence and they slowly became friends even though she was seven years his senior. He appreciated her friendship as he was comforted by her wisdom, a quality rarely found in young people. His appreciation for her wisdom and clarity of vision helped to bond their friendship. Although Loden remembers Sachevia at Brand's home, he always felt distant to the girl. She was only two years older than him, but she simply rubbed him in an odd way. He never felt comfortable around her and did not get too close. There was something about her that made him feel uneasy, but he could never put his finger on it. He didn't know what it was, but she possessed confidence, a rare quality for a teen-aged girl. He admired her confidence, but there was something about her behavior that generated fear within his heart. He simply could not figure out what it was. [/indent][/hider] [@HeySeuss]